和Remember Me相關的文章報導訪談一拖拉古又落落長,







Girls strip off for him, fans mob his set, but the sweet little star of Twilight, and the world's most wanted man, still struggles with his sex scenes


Would I like to interview Robert Pattinson, the world’s hottest young actor? Yes, obviously — although getting close to the boy who plays the “devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful” vampire Edward Cullen in Twilight at first seems virtually impossible. Penned away in the Dorchester, like a rare Siberian tiger cub — he can’t stay at home in Barnes when he comes back from LA because the fans know where he lives — he is being firmly guarded by a brace of film execs when I arrive for the interview.


A spiky PR woman for his new film, Remember Me — a romantic drama memorable mainly for the fact that it has Pattinson in it and is not a Twilight film — loudly repeats instructions that there are to be “no personal questions”. A Spanish reporter returns from the interview room claiming that when she asked him if he liked cooking, she nearly got thrown out. Another, a Brazilian, reveals that, in fact, he did get thrown out of an interview with Pattinson’s Twilight co-star and rumored girlfriend, Kristen Stewart, back in Sao Paulo, for asking about boyfriends. “Her bodyguard asked me to leave,” he shrieks. “I said nao! And then he touched me on the shoulder, and I said, ‘Okay, I go.’”

在他新片裡Remember Me裡──這一部受矚目的原因完全是因為裡面有派丁森,還和暮光毫不相干的浪漫愛情電影── 一位看來犀利的女性公關大聲反覆聲明「不許問私人問題」。一位西班牙記者從訪談室後回來宣稱她只是問他喜不喜歡烹飪,就差點被丟出房間。而另一位巴西記者也透露,事實上,他在聖保羅訪問派丁森在暮光裡的女主角以及謠傳中的女友克莉絲汀史都華時就真的被趕了出去,只因為他問了和男朋友有關的問題。「她的保鑣叫我離開,」他高聲叫著。「我說:『不要!』結果他來碰我的肩膀,我只好說:『好吧,我走。』」

“Like, who the ferque is this diva?” says someone else, and by the time I am ushered next door to meet him, I’m thinking the same. But as soon as I clap eyes on him, and take in that kittenish smile, the tousled, leonine eyebrows and — of course — the lush whip of unwashed hair, all that instantly vanishes. Pattinson is calm, polite and pleasant: heaven on a stick.


Swigging nonchalantly from a large bottle of Hildon like Stoli at a Facebook house party, he is also utterly oblivious to the commotion outside. And as for being a diva, well, let’s just say his agent, a jaded LA type who sits in the room with him, is far from impressed with his attempts so far, rolling his eyes when Pattinson asks: “Nick, am I a diva?” The actor furrows his brow. “I mean, I had a very diva-ish conversation with some people about some stuff in this film about a day ago...” Nick sighs and drawls: “He just said what he thought in a script meeting. Please don’t use that as an example.”


 “But I was very... bold,” protests Pattinson. Of course, that is exactly what he isn’t, because ever since his first knicker-melting appearance in Twilight, Pattinson, 23, has become a byword for shy hotness. Formerly a public-school hoodie from southwest London with a bit part in Harry Potter, he now commands £8m a movie and is such a huge lust object that he is unable to go anywhere unattended. During the filming of Remember Me, “3,500 people turned up and went completely mental”, he says. He is constantly asked for kisses and autographs, and recently, when he joked that the best way to get his attention was to take your clothes off, to his horror one girl in the audience promptly did so. Does he find the attention irritating? He shrugs. “I guess it’s part of your reality,” he says, before admitting he’s a “little bit harder to deal with” now. “I get stressed out much quicker.”

「但是我很大膽直接耶,」派丁森辯解。而當然,這正巧不是他的特質,因為自從他在暮光之城裡讓人為之融化的表現以來,23歲的派丁森便是以害羞卻性感著稱。這名前任私立學校的宅男族曾在哈利波特系列裡演出小角色,現在他擁有一部電影8百萬英鎊的身價,並且成為大家渴望的對象,所到之處無不引起人注意。在拍攝Remember Me的期間,「3500人出現在片場而且全部都發狂,」他說。他經常被要求親吻或是簽名,而就在最近當他開玩笑說要引起他的注意最好的方法就是脫衣服,真有一名女性觀眾令他大吃一驚的開始脫起衣服來。他覺得這一切的注目令人生厭嗎?他聳了聳肩。「我猜這是你現實生活中的一部分,」在承認他現在「有一點點適應不良」之前說道。「我現在很快就會感到壓力過大。」

Then again, being beautiful “is quite hard”, even though he insists that 50% of people don’t get his appeal: “They’re like, what’s that all about?” Certainly, today, he is trying his best not to be beautiful, in a greasy cap and sweats. Only his eyebrows seem manicured, although he insists they aren’t. He had them plucked on the first Twilight film, but “you get to the point where you think, ‘Okay, I look like a transvestite now’”. Not that the girls — Twilight’s obsessed fans are called Twi­harders, and a documentary, Robsessed, has been made about them — were put off.


Over the past 18 months, the actor has been linked to countless models and actresses, and recently appeared to confirm the rumours that he was dating Stewart, but then mysteriously claimed that he was “allergic to vagina”. Er, what was that about? Is he dating Stewart then? Or is he, in fact, gay? I heard his two older sisters used to dress him up and call him Claudia when he was a boy.


Actually, he’s “straight”, he says. He found the male-on-male sex scenes he had to perform in a film, Little Ashes, last year “strange. I played Salvador Dali. We were both straight, but he was Spanish, so much more confident about being naked and stuff, although when it comes down to it, it’s just as awkward with a girl, especially if you are straight and with a girl you don’t like... Anyway, Javier was really cool. After we had been pretending to have sex on this balcony in Barcelona, he was like, ‘We have such a strange job...’”

事實上,他是「直男」,他說。他覺得在去年上映的電影Little Ashes裡必須演出的同性之愛床戲很「奇怪。我飾演達利。而我們兩人都是異性戀者,但他是西班牙人,所以對裸體之類的顯得比較自在,雖然到頭來這和跟女生拍床戲一樣尷尬,尤其是當你是異性戀者卻得和一位你不喜歡的女孩總而言之,哈維爾很酷。我們在巴塞隆納的一個陽台上假裝有性關係以後他說:「我們有著最奇怪的工作

Poor Pattinson! Eyeing the bed in his suite, I dare a question about those sex scenes with girls. He famously had to pop a Valium to get through the audition for Twilight, in which he needed to make out on a bed with Stewart. For the love scenes in Remember Me, his co-star Emilie de Ravin “was very, very, very comfortable”, he sighs. “I’m always the one who’s the most uncomfortable. So we came into the room, and they said ‘It’s a closed set,’ blah, blah, and we got on to the bed and the director was like, ‘I got you these things, if just maybe you wanted to use them. You don’t have to use them, maybe it will make you more comfortable.’ They were these bondage things: lube and handcuffs and porn videos. It was so funny!

可憐的派丁森!瞄了一演他套房裡的床,我大膽的問了他和女孩子們的床戲。他最有名的事蹟便是在暮光的試鏡之前吞了顆鎮靜劑,因為試鏡的時候他必須和史都華在床上親熱。而在Remember Me裡的愛情戲裡,演對手戲的女星艾蜜莉迪瑞文則顯得「非常非常自在」,他嘆氣。「我一直都是比較不自在的那一個。所以我們近到一個房間,然後他們說:『這一段戲會清場』叭拉叭拉叭拉然後我們躺到床上了以後導演就說:『我為你準備了些東西,只是以防你會需要用到它們。你不一定要用,也許會讓你自在舒服一些。』結果那些都是性愛玩具:潤滑劑啦手銬和A片之類的。有夠好笑!

"And when you end up doing it, you have this little patch on your privates. I didn’t really tape it up properly, so I’d spent so long taping it round myself and then literally it falls off within one second and it’s taped to the sheet. And you realise the whole crew are looking directly at your butt crack.” He blanches. “I can’t think of anything exciting for them about this. It gives you a lot of respect for porn stars.”


I decide to dive in and ask him about Stewart. Does he believe in love at first sight? “Yes,” he says. Has he... ever been in love? “Ah, yes, I think so.” “What’s...” Nick looks up from his BlackBerry. “Let’s keep to the film,” he snaps. Pattinson looks embarrassed, but the moment has passed, and I am to leave. He gets up and gives me a kiss on the cheek: light and soft and not at all unfresh. I read somewhere one girl’s parents paid £20,000 in a charity auction for one of those.





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