



- In your new movie Water for elephants you work with animals. Do you have any pets?

"I recenlty got a puppy from a shelter in Louisiana, and called him Bear. He's an extraordinary dog, very smart and playful."


-Have you ever gone to the circus?

"I haven't, but it's weird that I can feel nostalgic for a place I've never been to."


-When was the last time you cried?

"I continually cry, over everything. I'm crying right now! I'm drying my tears on the keyboard as I'm typing the answers."


- What book is on your bedside table at the moment?(你床邊桌上現在正放著什麼書?)

"It's a book written by Steve Fisher, talking about the period when Las Vegas was under the control of the Mafia. I love the story of Las Vegas.
(是一本由Steve Fisher寫的書,講的是拉斯維加斯還是由黑手黨控制的時代。我喜歡關於拉斯維加斯的故事。)

 - Who is your favourite hero?(你最喜歡的主角是誰?)
"It's John Self from the novel Money by Martin Amis, because Amis manages to make fascinating even the most disgusting character on earth."
(是Martin Amis的一本小說Money裡的John Self,因為Amis有辦法把這地球上最噁心的角色寫的很有趣。)

- How do you picture yourself at age 90? (你如何想像自己90歲時的模樣?)
"I want to be with my wife, sitting on a deckchair, sipping some tea, and reading books in a retirement home, in a beautiful and warm place."

- Do you prefer a pair of jeans or a tuxedo?(你喜歡牛仔褲還是西裝?)
"Pair of jeans, but I don't mind wearing a tux, not everyday of course."


- Do you read your horoscope? (你會看自己的星座分析嗎?)
"No, and I really don't believe in that stuff."


- The first verse of your favourite poem or song (你最喜歡的詩或是歌曲的第一段)
 "I grew up on the crime side, the New York Times side. Staying alive was no jive" - It's C.R.E.A.M. by the hardcore rap group Wu-Tang Clan from New York.

(『我在犯罪區長大,紐約時報上報導的那一邊。要活命可不能開玩笑。』--是紐約一個超重Rap團體Wu-Tang Clan的歌C.R.E.A.M.)

- A must in your closet (你衣櫥裡必備的東西)
"Underwear, which is only necessary thing after all. But I might add socks as well, you know just to make the answer more interesting."

- What is one thing you think you're good and one thing you're bad at? (一項你很擅長和不擅長的事?)
"I'm really good at the game "words with friends", while I'm not good at the ice hockey simulation NHL 11 for PlayStation 3."
(我很會玩"Words with friends"這個遊戲,但我對PS3的職業曲棍球聯盟很不行。)

- Which is the song on your Ipod you listen to the most? (在你I-pod裡最常聽的歌是哪一首?)
"Beside You by Van Morrison. ITunes tells me I've listened to it 53 times, but I resetted the play count twice at least, so I might have listened to it like a hundred times."

(Van Morrison的Beside You。ITunes告訴我這首歌我聽了53次,但是我靜空了撥放次數至少兩次,所以我應該是聽了一百多遍吧。)

- Where would you like to live? (你想要住哪裡?)
"In LA and NY, or maybe in both cities!


- Are you a techno addct or a romantic guy? (你是科技宅男型的還是浪漫派的?)
"I'm a romantic guy."


- Which is more difficult to shoot, a sex scenes or a laugh? (拍哪一種戲比較難?床戲還是大笑?)
"It's hard to say. Both kinds of scenes turned up really well."


- You open your fridge and...(你打開你的冰箱會看到...)
"And there's a Coca-Cola Zero, a pizza from yesterday, 2 day old Chinese food, and a Heineken."

(可口可樂Zero,昨天吃剩的pizza,放了兩天的中國菜外帶,還有一瓶海尼根。)  S:只有一瓶嗎????

- What is your ringtone?你手機的鈴聲是什麼?
"The standard one. Always."


- What is the first thing you do when you wake up?(你一早起來做的第一件事是什麼?)
"I brush my teeth, have a shower and go walk my dog."

- What is your dream? (你的夢想是什麼?)
"Be able to act, write, direct, edit and produce my own movies."


- Are you on any social networks?(你有任何社交網站嗎?)
"If "words with friends" is considered a social network then yes. But I do not have any twitter nor facebook accounts. There are too many people pretending to be me. If you want to know me, you have to go to the cinema."

(如果"words with friends"可以算是社交網站的話,那答案是是的。但我沒有Twitter或是FB這些帳號。有太多人假扮成我了。如果你想認識我,你得到戲院來。)

- What is your tip for an aspiring actor? (對於立志當演員的人你有什麼建議?)
"Be faithful to yourself. That's enough."


Oh, and there's this note on the pic: "The big doubt: is he dating Kristen? Yes, no, maybe. Robert changes the subject and doesn't answer this question"






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