證人 1
I just saw Robert Pattison and Kristen Stewart on my way to the corner shop!!
我在要去轉角雜貨店的路上看到Robert Pattinson和Kristen Stewart啦!
Kristen看了我一眼,因為我們都穿著灰色的American Apparel的帽T。 RP&KS是怎麼知道我家路上的餐廳?笑死我啦。 她們被他們自己的人包圍著。大家可以走過去但是不能拍照。 為什麼會有人認為我說謊看到RP和KS。我看到他們了。接受事實吧。我只是要去買skittles。 他們兩人在倫敦吃晚餐。我不能拍照,我也不想再出去。我穿著睡衣。 I could have easily taken a sly picture of them but I have respect for people. All they wanna do is eat. I respect that. 要我偷偷拍照是很容易,但我要尊重別人。他們只是想吃一頓晚餐。我尊重這一點。 Hi "Robsten" if you see this, I was the girl who walked past you eating skittles lmao 嗨,Robsten,如果你看到這個,我是那個走過你們旁邊還吃著Skittles的女孩。笑死我了! 有時候你得記住明星們也只是人。 didn't recognise anyone else. They're probably friends or managers or something. 不認得其他的人。他們可能是朋友或是經紀人之類的。 剛剛經過看到RP&KS一起吃晚餐。大驚! 是的,他們在外面接吻XXX,真可愛。 唉呀~真是黏踢踢得兩人呀~
Kristen clocked me cos we're both wearing grey American Apparel hoodies.
How the f**k do RP & KS know about the restaurant on my rd? Lmao.
they're surrounded by their people. Ppl can just walk past lol can't take pics
Why do these people think I'm lying about seeing Robert Pattison and Kristen Stewart. I saw them. Get over it. I only wanted skittles.
The two are in London having dinner. I couldn't take a picture, and I ain't going back out. In in my PJs.
Sometimes you have to remember that celebrities are human beings too.
證人 2 Just walked past Robert Patterson and Kristin Stewart eating dinner #shocked
證人 3 @robsten4_ever @victoria1985 @fuckikz indeed, they are kissing outside xxx, cute.