Monday: M-ovie discussion. Tuesday: T-wilight stuff. Weds: W-hatevuh. Thurs: Th-rilling observations. Friday: F-ailed attempts at humor. Wknd: Mixup round!
iamrobsten@chrisweitz you worked with angelina and brad and then they started dating. with R/K was the same thing. what u have to say? :)
I'm matchmaker to the stars?
@chrisweitz Very important question that EVERYONE always asks: Is Kristen really short or is she 5'6 like listed on imdb???
chrisweitz Chris WeitzWeirdly, she is 6'6" -- have to position her far from camera. Nah, she's about 5'5", I reckon.(怪了,她明明是6呎6吋--還要特別調整鏡頭。才怪,我確定她大概有5呎5吋)
@chrisweitz You still in contact with the cast of the Twilight Saga? Please answer! Please!
chrisweitz Chris Weitz
Yes, in my mind. In fact, yes, many of them, they are kool (有的,在我心裡。事實上,有很多位。他們都很酷。)
@chrisweitz You need to do a film with Grant, Firth, Holt and Pattinson pls. Set in the UK!
chrisweitz Chris Weitz
I like this. Hmm. Could it have zombies? And monkeys?(我喜歡這主意。可以有殭屍嗎?還是猴子?)
@chrisweitz is robert pattinson really as hot in real person ? (Rob本人真的很性感嗎?)
chrisweitz Chris Weitz
He's actually physically repugnant. It's something about the camera. Weird.(事實上他在生理上還蠻令人反感的。這就是攝影機的魔力。)
@chrisweitz did you ever touch Rob's hair?(你摸過Rob的頭髮嗎?)
chrisweitz Chris Weitz
Did I ever NOT touch his hair? He told me to stop but I wouldn't. Why do you think I didn't direct Eclipse?
@chrisweitz Fact: Rob said he loves hobnobs so those are better automatically ;) (Rob說其實他比較喜歡hobnobs[一種巧克力餅乾])
chrisweitz Chris Weitz
Rob and I will talk. (我得和Rob談談)
Hi Chris! R & K said they ad-libbed a line in New Moon. I think it was in car scene after Bella's b-day. What is the line?
(Rob和Kristen說他們在New Moon時自己加了一句台詞。我想是在Bella生日舞會後車子的旁邊。是哪一句?)
chrisweitz Chris Weitz
Bellla saying I love you to Edward. Then the studio got me to replace it, then R and K talked me back into it.
@AngelAtTwilight: @chrisweitz We know the scene was filmed, we saw stills of it. Just wondering where did it go and why it wasn't in an outtake at least?
chrisweitz Chris WeitzYes -- very difficult shot. Tilt-focus. (look it up!) Basically, it was cut for narrative smoothness. I don't control the DVD extras! :( (是的-難度很高的一場戲。基本上,他是為了敘事上的流暢度而刪掉的。我沒辦法掌控DVD的收入內容!)tinkrbe1l3 @chrisweitz OH MY GOSH! cant believe i havent asked you this. What happened to the RKT commentary on NM??? not that u werent exciting.... (我的天,我不敢相信有人問你這個。RKT在NM的幕後講評呢?並不是說你不受期待...)chrisweitz Chris WeitzThey were veeeeeeery tired, long press tour. I hadn't gone out as late the night before recording...
Dr. Viviana Morales @chrisweitz SO in every Twilight movie the thing that everyone has got wrong is that they really can't fight Edward.. if you follow the book he is always able to hear what their next move is gonna be so they never get near him.. but in the 3 movies theres a fight with edward and people almost killing him... were u aawere of that stuff while filming and just changed it cause it works better that way for the movies?
chrisweitz Chris Weitz
Yes. "action sequences" for the boys. (是的。為了給男孩子們看的"打鬥場面")azzletazzle @chrisweitz Ok, you've talked about how dreamy Rob is...What about Kristen? Is she just as gorgeous in real life as the (過去你談論過Rob有多麼夢幻...那Kristen呢?現實生活的她真的那麼美嗎?)
chrisweitz Chris WeitzMore so, because she is not all dolled up. Note to Mercedes: (my wife) you are beautiful, I love you!
chrisweitzfan @chrisweitz Okay. No lying. Who's better looking up close. Rob or Taylor?
chrisweitz Chris WeitzMsChopsy @chrisweitz Does it haunt u when peeps pick up on things like Edward's eyes being the wrong colour in Voltura or can u let it go and move on (當大家點出像是Edward在義大利時的眼睛顏色是錯的這一類事件發生時,這會困擾你很久,還是你會忘掉往前走?)On the molecular level they are almost identical. Love the avatar.
chrisweitz Chris WeitzI think of Mandela's 21 years in jail and move on (我想到曼德拉在牢裡的21年然後就放下往前走)RobMozDean @chrisweitz won't respond to my Rob, Morrissey & James Dean question :( ~heaven knows I'm miserable now~
(你沒有回答我關於Rob, Morrissey以及James Dean問題...我好難過...)
chrisweitz Chris WeitzWhat unites them is a quiff. Never met Mr.Dean. met Mr. Morrissey and ADORE him.
(他們唯一的共通處是一搓瀏海。沒見過Mr. Dean。見過Mr. Morrissey而且超愛他的。)

Good lord, what is nipplegate? Sounds exciting. Oh I rather like Rob's nipples in that scene.(老天爺啊,什麼是乳頭大門?聽起來真刺激。噢,我還蠻喜歡Rob在那一幕戲裡的乳頭。)現在Chirs玩twitter玩得欲罷不能,下次三回連播,敬請期待!!!