

1Why weren't Edward's eyes black in Volterra?2Why didn't he break anything after the vote?3Why was the after-party drive deleted

(1. 為什麼愛德華的眼睛在Volterra不是黑的?2.為什麼他在投票完後沒摔東西?3. 為什麼在慶生會後那段開車的橋段刪掉了?)
 1) I goofed, 2) ditto, 3) Only so much time in the movie!!!

1)我發傻 2)同上題 3)電影就那麼點時間而已啊!!

@JodieO @chrisweitz Only so much time? You had plenty of time for Jacob, though, didn'tcha?!

Well, Jacob is imperfect, like me. Except I am not super hot.


@maricheq @Chrisweitz team edward or team jacob?

(Team Edward還是Team Jacob?)
Please... I don't want to get in trouble


@TwiFans @chrisweitz do you feel slightly bad for selling out on the "silver" volvo? Would you change that if you could?

Not when I drive my bitchin' BLACK VOLVO! Just kidding, I drive a Honda accord.

(當我開著我那他X的黑色富豪時不會!開玩笑的,我開的是Honda Accord。)


@renesemma @chrisweitz are they really an item? robsten?

An item like a glass or a lamp? Certainly not. ;)

(你是指像玻璃杯還是檯燈那樣的一對嗎?當然不是。)* S註:在英文裡的an item=一件物品,但是拿來形容兩人是an item則是意指兩人是一對。

@Twihardfj65 "@renesemma: @chrisweitz are they really an item? robsten?

 Lemme be very straight here, without trying to sound mean. Kristen is my friend. Rob is my friend. Their personal lives are their own.


@Twihardfj65 @chrisweitz "you are so right,i apologise and shouldn't have asked,:( sorry:

chrisweitz Ees okay!


@Naomi_Kane @chrisweitz what was it like working with Robert Pattinson ....any funny set stories? : ) x

(和Robert Pattinson一起工作是怎樣的?有沒有好笑的事?)
 He calls a somersault a "roly poly".


@Kstewcrush@chrisweitz Hey so youv worked with my 2 fav actresses, bein angie and kristen, do you think they are similar in ways?


To be honest, hard to say. I barely met Ms. Jolie.


@offline82@chrisweitz what's kristen's non serious side like? does she have fun too?

Of course! But she does not invite me


@_kstewfans@chrisweitz How was working with Kristen? Please, answer :D

Kristen is very committed, serious, incredibly hard on herself, natural and has teh world's best BS detector.


@EdwardsLove82 @chrisweitz What is your favorite thing about Rob Pattinson??

 His sense of humor, and the fact that he remembers my name


@tduryea@chrisweitz wnted to say its awesome that you respond. What was the most stressful day or scene to shoot on NM?

Bella's breakdown in the forest after she's broken up with. Cold night, sad scene.





還有Part 3在後頭啦!!!!

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    Sabrina之宅言宅語 ~ "17 A While" Group

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