EW刊登出The Rover的首張劇照,
大意不外乎是說以往澳洲是罪犯的大本營,因此在這的生存大不易。而導演David Michôd的成名作"Animal Kindom"所描述的正是那些罪犯後裔的故事。而這一回的The Rover則又把這個題材帶往更深一層的境界。故事設定在全球遭遇金融風暴而社會秩序瓦解,而像Rob一樣的外來客則到了澳洲沙漠開採脈礦,就像是全新掏金熱時代的來臨...
哇~這樣的角色聽起來真是太有深度了!尤其是「歷盡風霜確保有美麗純真靈魂」 ...這根本就是Rob本人嘛~(只是淒慘度降低很多啦!)
Australia was founded as a repository for crooks and criminals — a wretched hive of scum and villainy, like the British Empire’s own Mos Eisley. Of course, that was a long time ago and the Australian national demeanor has since shifted from “kill or be killed” to “live and let live,” but David Michôd’s gritty 2010 drama Animal Kingdom chronicled some of the country’s more modern criminal descendents. In his upcoming sophomore effort, The Rover, the director takes things even further.
Robert Pattinson plays a denizen of the Outback in the near future, after a worldwide financial collapse has sent many like him running to the still viable mines of the Australian desert. “It’s like a new gold rush,” says Michôd. “Where people from all corners of the world have come out to the desert to scrape out an existence. Petty criminals and miscreants and hustlers.” Guy Pearce, who had an uncharacteristically reserved role in Animal Kingdom, gets to sink his teeth into a nicely nasty part opposite Pattinson. “The basic story is really quite elemental,” says Michôd. “You’ve got a really dark, dangerous, murderous person in Guy’s character, and in Rob’s character you have a quite troubled and damaged, but beautiful and naïve, soul.”
Of course, just by its setting and basic plot, The Rover is poised to draw comparisons to one of the antipodean country’s most memorable cinematic contributions. “You put cars in the desert in Australia and people are going to think of Mad Max,” says Michôd. “And with all due respect to that film — and I stress that — I think The Rover is going to be way more chillingly authentic and menacing.”