
Boxoffice.com刊登了一篇與New Moon導演Chris Weitz的訪談。

在Comic Con時就覺得他真是個溫文儒雅,且幽默風趣,言之有物的人;

對New Moon的熱情也不輸其他人,

因此對New Moon越來越看好...







How do you direct a film when everyone knows the story and ending?


In a way, that's an advantage. That people know and love the book means that people know and want to see the movie, which is what you hope for when you're making a film. It's a fine balance between being as faithful as possible to the spirit of the book, and bringing changes. I regard myself as fan as much as any other, and the way that I see the book in my head is just like any other fan's ability, except that I happen to have tens of millions of dollars at my disposal to realize that vision. One hopes that it's a strong enough envisioning of the book that people will be amused and entertained and excited even though they know how things are going to end.


One of my favorite New Moon conspiracy theories is that the producers are ordering Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson to keep their love hidden because it will affect the way people will perceive the story, even though the story is already known even until the next two books.

關於新月的陰謀論裡我最喜歡的一則就是製作人命令Kristen Stewart 和Robert Pattinson要對外保密他們之間的戀情,因為這麼一來這將會影響觀眾觀賞這一部時電影的觀感,既使大家都已經知道所有的故事結局。


The fans know what the Volturi look like or what Taylor Lautner as Jacob's amazing bod is going to look like—the producers know these things are big points of curiosity about whether we've been able to be faithful to people's notions. And they want to parse these things out over time. [Laughs] It is a conspiracy, but the conspiracy is called marketing.

粉絲們都已經知道佛杜里的樣子,或是Taylor Lautner飾演的Jacob肌肉會多麼驚人...製作人知道我們能不能符合人們的想像是大家好奇心關切的焦點。而他們希望能夠一次透露一點點。﹝笑﹞這是陰謀沒錯,但這一項陰謀就叫做行銷。


There are so many films about vampires, vampire romances, teenage romances—what is it about Twilight's love triangle that's catalyzed this phenomenon?


By the Fountain_02.jpg 

To me, it has a lot less to do with vampires and werewolves than with readily identifiable emotional situations. Bella has a choice between the loving friend who's nearby and the distant, unattainable object of her affections. That's a pretty common scenario, and unfortunately also, so is being dumped. I know I've experienced it—pretty much anybody except the incredibly lucky has experienced it—and the supernatural element of things just allows for a degree of wish fulfillment. We can play out these scenarios on a grand scale. When you get broken up with, you'd like to think that if you just did something brave enough, something amazing enough, you could rescue the relationship that's been broken. And you would like to think that the person who's left you has left you for your own good against their heart. That's usually not the case, but in New Moon it happens to be, so that's a lovely way to fulfill one's wishes. A great thing that Summit as a studio understands is that there are dark places that the movie has to go in order for it all to work. They're not afraid of the angst and the sorrow that's in the book. In a way, the film can be kind of a throwback to weepies as well as very cutting edge in terms of visual effects.

對我而言,這和吸血鬼或狼人不太相關,而是在於它很能引起情感上的共鳴。Bella必須在一個留在身邊愛護你的朋友與遙不可及的愛戀之間作出選擇。這是很常見的情形,而很不幸的,被甩也是。我知道我經歷過--絕大多數,除了少數很幸運的人之外都經歷過--而超自然的元素則滿足了我們喜愛幻想的部分。讓我們可以將這一些情況以更大的格局呈現出來。當你被甩時,你會想若是你更勇敢一些,或作出一些驚人的事,也許你就能挽救這一段破碎的感情。你也會想說服自己離開的那一方是為了你好而做出不得已的選擇。雖然通常的情形並不是這樣,但在New Moon裡確實是這樣,而這是一個滿足人願望很美好的方法。最慶幸的是身為電影公司Summit知道這一部片要成功,你勢必要讓故事經歷很黑暗的過程。他們對於書中所描述的憂傷以及背痛的部分並不害怕。在某方面來說,這部電影可以是很令人悲傷而淚流滿面,同時卻又擁有最先進的視覺特效。

You talked a minute ago about Pattinson being an 'unattainable male.' We always see stories about men pursuing a woman. It's rare to see stories where a woman really pursues a man, and when you do, it's usually handled like All About Steve, where it teeters into comic stalking.

剛才你提到了Robert Pattinson是"遙不可及的男性"。我們總是看到男性追求女性的故事。但是卻真的很少看到女性追求男性的故事,就算是有,通常也都會被處理的像是<求愛女王>那一類跟蹤狂喜劇的形式。



Exactly. You always hear about the male gaze in films, but this seems to have such a strong female gaze. One of the prerequisites is how many times Pattinson and Lautner take off their shirts.


It's there in the script, and that's one for the ladies, really. Women have been objectified plenty in Hollywood films. And there's still sort of a chasteness to the objectification in Twilight and New Moon. One approaches it hopefully with a bit of tact—not just an exercise in beefcake peddling. You hope when you're shooting any kind of above-the-waist nudity that it suits the demand of the moment, it isn't just in there for the hell of it. That being said, I think we did come to Comic-Con with a lot of muscles and it was really fun to see the reaction to it. I've tried to make films that take into account the female members of the audience. Even American Pie, which comes from a genre that is notoriously misogynist.

這些在劇本裡都有,但這其實是為了女性觀眾。女性太常在好萊塢電影裡被物化。而至今還有人將Twilight以及New Moon貞潔化。我只能期望在能處理上得體--不只是在賣弄肉體。你希望你在拍攝任何裸露上半身的場景時是符合當時的情境,而不是想脫就脫。(S:那你還是叫那一群狼族把衣服穿起來,我沒興趣...)話雖如此,我們的確是刻意在Comic Con上嶄露肌肉,而看觀察大家的反應真的很有趣。過去我在拍攝電影時總是考慮到女性觀眾族群。既使像是<美國派>這種被女性厭惡著稱的類型。


American Pie—like Twilight—was one of those films that made stars of everyone in the cast. This time around, do you find yourself wanting to give this new generation career or life advice?


I don't particularly feel qualified because I'm not in their situation. I don't have to deal with that fame; I'm able to turn it on or off—or rather, the publicity department is able to turn it on and off. I don’t walk around and get recognized. I'm recognized in inverse proportion to my nearness to Rob. There's some kind of equation I could work out. Basically if I'm within 50 yards of Rob, I matter. If not, I just don't. I think that they don't really need my advice because they are determined to remain true to their own life, in spite of anything that might turn their heads. That's the only advice I could give them: that they stay the clever and decent people who they already are. And I don't think they're manifesting any problems in that regard.


I heard that the on-set experience has been like living in A Hard Days Night.


It was like that in Italy. Although it wasn't so much running and chasing. I'd compare it more to The Birds. You look around and then there's suddenly ten girls over there. And then there's 20. Then 30, then 40. And then suddenly the street you're intending to walk down to get to your next location or lunch is just blocked and there's no way to get through. Or you will get through, but it'll take you hours because you'll take pictures and sign autographs. Which is fair enough because they've come all this way and they're really the reason that we're there. Or you'll have to be a real meanie and just run past. I've developed a preoccupied look that sometimes works. I try to seem as though there's something going really badly at a different location, and sometimes that gets me out of situations.

在義大利的時候是。雖然沒那麼多跑步和追逐。我會把它拿來和<鳥> (S:緊張大師希區考克的經典)做比喻。你回神過來時突然就有十個女孩站在那。然後變成20。然後是30, 一下40。然後突然間本來你要走去下一個外景點或是吃午餐的道路就變得水洩不通,連動都不能動。又或者過是能過,但是可能要花上好幾個小時,因為你得停下來照相和簽名。這其實沒有問題,因為他們(粉絲)都從大老遠的地方來,而他們正是我們會在那裡的原因。要不然你就得當個很無禮的人趕快衝過去。我研究出了一種"我很忙"的神情,有時候會有效。我在不同的地點裝出事情進行得不順利的臉,有時候能幫我逃過一劫。(S:哈哈哈~這人時在是太爆笑了!!)

Have there been any crazy fan experiences?



The crazy thing has been how extraordinarily supportive, friendly and enthusiastic people are. They really want this to be done right, but they're not hyper-critical. There's a degree of good faith between the people making the movie and the people who want to see it, and we are innocent until proven guilty. And that's great because that's not always the case with fan boys. I did encounter this Italian girl in Montepulciano who then appeared in Vancouver who speaks impeccable English. That's one of the reasons I recognized her. She came up to me and said, 'Do you remember me?' and I said yes, I did. And then her mom was there and I sort of wanted to ask her mom what else she and her kid were up to because it seemed like she should be in school, but it's really not my place.





看完這一篇訪談,完全可以理解為什麼已經有人開始討論起他回來導Breaking Dawn的可能性。

而從New Moon的預告看來,一定會比Twilight更精彩!!










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