並非S厚此薄彼,愛Rob多一些 (就算有也沒犯法,我愛帥哥呀~)
5 Reasons to Love Kristen Stewart 五個愛Kristen Stewart的理由
... we are ready to examine the 5 Reasons to Love Kristen Stewart. In a world where beauty is defined by pop culture and self-doubt is lurking behind every corner, it is hard to stay disciplined and display confidence. Kristen Stewart has always been unapologetic about what she says and how she says it. While many outright are off put by this display of self-assurance, we should take note and praise her for her bravery to speak her mind.
...我們準備好來談論五個愛Krisrten Stewart的理由。在這一個美麗是以大眾文化為基準,而自我懷疑充斥著每一個角落的世界,要保有原則和展現自信是非常困難的。而Kristen Stewart總是對她自己所說的話或是說的方法不感到抱歉。當不少人對她所展現出的自信感到不滿,其實我們更應該好好表揚她大膽勇敢的說出自己內心真正的想法。
The articulate, well read Stewart was sucked into a whirlwind when she was cast as Bella Swan in The Twilight Saga. Fans crept out of all ends of the world and were dying to get a piece of the seasoned Hollywood actress. The most seasoned actor could not have prepared Stewart for the 180 degree change that was made of her life after taking that role.
這位說話有條裡又飽讀詩書的Stewart在被選定演出Twilight Saga裡Bella Swan一角時就被捲進了一陣大風暴。全世界的粉絲都等不及得要知道這位精明幹練的演員的一切。就算是最老練的演員也沒辦準備好自己像Stewart一樣在接演一個角色後所要面臨的180度大轉變。
Over the past two years we have all seen a piece of ourselves in Kristen Stewart which allows us to relate to her, learn from her and admire her even more. There are many reasons to love The Twilight Saga: New Moon actress and we are ready to explore the Top Five.
而在過去的兩年之中我們都可以在Kristen身上看到一些些的自己讓我們和她引起共鳴,從她身上學習進而更讚賞她。喜愛這一名New Moon的女演員的理由很多,而我們將為你介紹前五項。
Strong-Willed. If anything, Kristen Stewart is strong-willed and focused on her beliefs. This refreshing attitude makes Stewart an incredible role model for women all around the world. She shows us how to be strong, how to stand your ground, and never waver on your own personal values.
意志堅強。 Kristen對於自己的信念與意志都非常堅定。這一種令人耳目一新的態度值得讓她成為全世界女性的最佳榜樣。她告訴我們要如何堅強,站穩自己的腳步,並且永遠不懷疑自己所堅信的人生價值。- Goofy. We are all goofy in our own way; whether we are The Class clown or the klutz we can all relate to Stewart because of this. Whether she is cracking jokes in interviews or dropping trophies at award shows, Stewart is never afraid to let her inner goof shine through which is really spectacular.
傻氣。每個人都有傻氣的一面;而不管我們是開心果還是笨手笨腳我們都能和她為此引起共鳴。不管她是在訪談中開玩笑或是在領獎時掉了獎盃,她從來就不介意展現自己傻氣的那一面,令人嘆為觀止。 - Intelligent. Being smart is so cool and that message is not displayed enough in Hollywood. Whenever Stewart has a chance she is always talking about her favorite books and what she is currently reading. Brining Steinbeck back to life, Stewart has made it cool to read again and that deserves major props!
聰明。身為一個聰明人是很酷的事,但這一個特質在好萊塢卻不受到重視。每當她一有機會她就會談論起自己最喜愛的書與最近在閱讀的書籍。將史坦貝克的作品帶回世人面前,她讓閱讀成為一件酷事而這絕對值得好好表揚! - Dedicated. Stewart is dedicated to her craft and it is amazing to see her throw herself into the characters she portrays on the big screen. Not only did she bring the beloved Bella Swan to life, this past summer she brought back the love for 80's while portraying Joan Jett in The Runaways. Her work is flawless and that is because she spends hours preparing and dedicating time to her craft.
敬業、投入。 她非常敬業,而且看她如何將自己在大螢幕上呈現一個角色是非常神奇的。她不僅僅是把我們深愛的Bella注入生命,在今年的夏天她在扮演Joan Jett時重新喚起了我們對80熱愛。她的作品無懈可擊,因位她花費了大量的時間在準備她的角色,為她的表演絕對付出。 - Bella Swan. Let's be honest, we love Kristen Stewart because she simply is the best version of Bella Swan that we could imagine. Bringing Bella to life was a daunting task, but Stewart did it with grace, passion, and perfection.
Kristen Stewart is a remarkable actress and as fans it has been a pleasure to watch Stewart bring a heartbeat to Bella Swan, the most beloved character in 21st century literature.
Kristen Stewart是一位傑出的女演員,而身為粉絲看到她為Bella Swan這一位21世紀最受喜愛的文學角色帶來生氣是很享受的一件事。
“It’s strange,” continues the 19-year-old actress, “but people often think I’m a little bit older than I really am. A French journalist asked me earlier on how my teenage years had affected my later life. I’m still in my teens.” She smiles. “Really, even if I was older, how could my teenage years not have shaped my life? I don’t know how to answer that.”
("奇怪的是," 19歲的女演員繼續說,"大部分的人都以為我比實際年齡還大一些。剛有一名法國記者問到我的青少年時期如何影響我日後的生活。我還在我的青少年時期。" 她笑道。"真的,就算是我年紀真的大一點了,我的青少年時期怎麼可能不影響我的人生?我不知道要怎麼回答這種問題。")
但是Times Online記者為她辯護:
In fact, Stewart is thoroughly engaging. Admittedly, some journalists find her a struggle, but I’d suggest that, like the Frenchman, they have underestimated their subject. In person, she is bright and quite charming, an eager smoker who regularly curls her knees up under her chin while talking. She is uncomfortable with the interview process — “I’m not very good at self-analysis” — and any poorly thought-through or ill-informed questions are given short shrift.
(事實上,Stewart非常健談。沒錯,有一些記者會覺得她很難搞定,但我會告訴這些人,就像是那一位法國記者,他們完全低估了他們的受訪者。她本人開朗又迷人,說話的時候會不時將膝蓋屈起頂在下巴的愛抽菸人。對於訪談的過程她會很不自在--" 我不太會分析我自己"--而沒經過大腦或是語意不清的問題就只會得到簡短答案。
在Dazed & Confused裡Kirsten的一段話讓我心疼得想摸摸她的頭...
" I love what I do and I know how lucky I am to be doing it. But I guard against being insincere, and I try not to say really chessy things. I could say the whole ' I am so grateful for this. I get to put my heart and soul into somehing everyday and people appriciate it...blah, blah, blah.' But saying something like that seems so trite to me -- a cliche of an actress talking about acting. I don't like that, and so now people say, 'Oh, she's ungrateful. She's a bitch.'"
"我熱愛我的工作,而我也清楚我有多麼幸運可以做這一行。但我絕對反對不真誠,所以我試著不說一些很浮濫的話。我大可說一堆' 我很感激。我可以每天都全心全意得去做一件大家都欣賞的事...叭啦、叭啦、叭啦。' 但說這一些話對我而言太陳腐老套--一般女演員常說的陳腔濫調(嗯~我很了解你在說哪一些人)。我不喜歡這樣,所以大家就說'噢,她有夠不知感恩,她真是個X人。'
"But I am trying not to say something totally un-genuine about something I love. People have to understand that it's vert weird for me to talk to people I don't know about something I care about so much."
"但我只是避免對我愛的東西說出一些很不真誠的話。大家得明白要我跟一群不認識的人談論我深愛的東西對我而言很奇怪。" (好,乖~我們不會再問你和Rob是什麼關係了,我們 知道了!)
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