





沒想到這位上一屆Rising Star Award的得主,






So I’m asked to be on the Orange rising star award jury after winning it last year and I’m glad to do that. We (The Jury) watch a hell of a lot of films and after weeks and weeks come up with the final five people and they’re announced.


Then of course Lots of other people chime in with their opinions about who should be on there, because there’s always people who think they know better, but that’s fine too, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


People want Tahar to win, they love A Prophet (I do too, it’s a great movie). People want Carey to win (She is brilliant in An Education, if you like the film or not). People want Jesse to win (He carries Zombieland and is great in everything he does) People want Nick to win, he has a huge following, is british, possibly the best young actor full stop and is gonna go far. And of course people want Kristen to win… But the only difference with her was this… As many people who wanted her to win, there were equally vocal people who absolutely didn’t want her to win. The other nominees didn’t have that animosity against them.

有人想要Tahar得獎,因為他們喜歡 A Prophet這部電影 (我也是,很棒的片)。有人想要Carey得獎(她在The Education的表現真的非常突出,不管你喜不喜歡那部片)。有人想要Jesse的獎(他撐起Zombieland這部片,所有他演出的電影都很棒)。有人想要Nick (Nicolas Hoult)得獎,他有一大群粉絲,又是英國人,很可能是最優秀的年輕演員而且前途無量。而當然有人想要Kristen但和其他人不同的是,有多少人希望她能得獎,就有同樣大的聲浪絕對不希望她贏。其他提名者並不需要面對這種敵意。

I said nothing. I couldn’t. I wasn’t allowed (and as most people know Nick Hoult is like a little brother I wouldn’t minded if he won. P.S that is not why he was nominated. he is that good) So why does it all bother me? Two reasons.

我沒說什麼。我不能說。我不被允許(而且大部分的人都知道Nick Hoult就像是我的小弟,我一點都不介意他得獎。附帶說明這並不是他被提名的原因。他就是這麼棒)。所以為什麼這還是令我感到困擾?兩個原因:

Firstly: I know how that feels. Last year although loads of people wanted me to win, because my films don’t seem worthy to a lot of vocal people, there were a lot who were saying. “I don’t care who wins as long as it’s not him”.


Even after winning I still have to deal with comments like this.


“Nonetheless, she was very charming when interviewed backstage and told that previous winner Noel Clarke was ‘passing the baton on’ to her. Presumably, this baton represents starring in quite small British films that no-one outside of this soggy island has ever heard of for a relatively small fee, so I guess she has a lot to look forward to”.

即使是如此,她在後台接受訪問的時候非常迷人,還說上一任得獎者Noel Clarke接力棒交到她手裡了。這麼說的話,這個棒子代表的是主演了一部成本很少,世上除了個溼答答的島嶼之外沒人聽過的英國小電影,那我想她未來真的有很多值得期待。

From  http://www.indiemoviesonline.com/news/2010-bafta-awards-ceremony-220210

That’s just one of the perks of the job! Please do thank these people for me like I know you guys can. ; )


Anyway… Secondly: It’s not fair on her. Life isn’t fair, but her dislike is unfounded. The girl is actually a brilliant actress and people are only hating on her because every piece of great acting work that she has done has been eclipsed by the juggernaut that is twilight… Lets be honest, that’s what it’s really about isn’t it? People not liking her because she stars in those films that do so well and they are not considered worthy by the snobs. Personally, I don’t mind em. They ain’t the godfather, (Neither was AVATAR) but they’re entertaining.


Adulthood- (my film that won me the bafta http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1126596/ for those who don’t know it. And this is me for those new here or not aware of me before sunday http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0164929/ ) -was one of the highest grossing BRITISH FILMS of 2008, 1st or 2nd. But you wouldn’t know that because people don’t want you too, then it got ignored everywhere apart from BAFTA. Not that I would ever compare my films to anything Kristen Stewart does. But why hate on a person because they are doing well? It makes no sense. Also she was cast in that film because of her talent. That’s how films like that are cast. Not everyone thought it would blow up like it did and so what that it has? She is actress who took a role. That’s what actors do.

Adulthood-(讓我贏得BAFTA的電影,不知道的人可以參考這個http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1126596/而在星期日之前都不知道我是誰的看這個http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0164929/) 2008年票房最高的英國電影之一,不是第一名就是第二名。但是你不知道這一點,因為有人不希望你知道,而它在到處都受到忽視,除了BAFTA之外。並不是我想拿我的電影和Kristen Stewart的任何電影相比。但是為什麼要因為有人表現傑出就恨他們?這一點道理都沒有。她被選為那部電影的主角正是因為她的才華。而這就是這一些電影選角的理由。沒有人預料到它會爆炸成這個程度,就算是又怎樣?她是一位接演了一個角色的演員。這就是演員的工作。

So we end up at the BAFTAS. The Bri tish academy awards. I step on the stage, do my little speech and read the envelope. “Kristen Stewart” She comes up does her speech and leaves.

所以最後我們都來到了BAFTA。英國演藝學院獎。我站上舞台,發表了我的小演說,然後唸了信封。 “Kristen Stewart”。她上台,發表她的得獎感言,然後下台。

We go back stage, exchange a few words while walking to Edith, then do the interview. Then we go round the front and take the pictures. It’s Madness. Hundreds of bulbs flashing and everyone wanting a piece of this girl. We have a couple more words. I tell her well done again and I leave.


So what did I get from our little chat and the hand on the shoulder in the pic. And these are my opinions only. I got a sense of a lovely, nervous and shy girl who respected the other actors she was up against and was a bit overwhelmed by winning. More importantly than that, I see a girl got into this acting job because she wants to actually act and play different roles. There is a difference between wanting to act and wanting to be a star.


It’s difficult at any age when you can’t go anywhere with out people wanting a piece of you, and she is still young. People who said she was weird on stage, well… I don’t really agree. It’s a little daunting up there, I would love to see some of her detractors get up in front of 2000 or so people with only your name as notice, (she didn’t know she was getting it) and half of those people be people that do the same job as you and are looking at you from head to toe, and all you want to do is just not fall over. It’s not easy.


In closing, don’t have a bad word to say about Ms Stewart. And there is no agenda here, I’m not kissing anyone’s ass. I don’t do that… I’m not getting anything for this, I don’t profess to know her because of our one meeting, I’m not on her radar, probably won’t get to work with her and I may never see her again, But she was genuinely a really, very nice girl, and being on the jury I had to watch almost every movie she’s done, that we could get our hands on from the last few years and the girl can fucking act, there is no question about that.


So. Would i have liked Nick to win..? Sure.


Am i upset that Kristen won? No way.


Did she deserve to win? Yeah she did, and i’m glad she did.


She was talented enough for us jury members to put her there in the first place and the public support her the most. Done deal.


She may be a Mega star now, but she is still a rising star in terms of where her career is going, because just being in a blockbuster doesn’t make you a good actor. The girl is talented and has made some smart choices beyond the big movies.


So mark my words… If anyone will be known for much more than twilight in about 20 years time, it’ll be her.










隨便一個都是奧斯卡、金球獎好幾座得主(西恩潘、威廉赫特、James Gandolfini、 Melissa Leo...名單落落長),


(和她一起演出The Yellow Handkerchief的威廉赫特就叫媒體不要再煩她)







Kristen, you deserve each and every bit of fame and success !!






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    Sabrina之宅言宅語 ~ "17 A While" Group

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