#6 Robert Pattinson
$749 million
The Twilight films have been perennial earners, so it's no surprise to see Pattinson on this list. He ranks above his costar Kristen Stewart thanks to Remember Me, a weepy romance that earned a healthy $56 million on an estimated budget of $16 million. Pattinson's next film is an adaptation of the bestselling book Water for Elephants.
(Twilight系列電影有長期穩定的收入,因此看到Pattinson登上名單一點也不稀奇。他排名在女主角Kristen Stewart之前是因為Remember Me, 這部賺人熱淚的羅曼史以估計一千六百萬的製作費贏的了很不錯的五千六百萬票房。Pattinson下一部電影是由暢銷小說改編的Water For Elephants。)
#7 Kristen Stewart
$698 million
Like her costar Pattinson, Stewart starred in a non-Twilight film this year. It didn't perform very well though. The Runaways brought in only $4.7 million. The final Twilight book, Breaking Dawn, has been divided into two films that are both sure to be big earners. The first hits theaters in November 2011.
(和她的同台演員Pattinson一樣,Stewart在今年也演出了非Twilight的電影。但是成績不太理想。The Runaways只賺進了4百7十萬美元。Twilight系列的最後一集,破曉,將會分成兩部電影推出,而且保證都會賺進大把銀子。上半部將會在2011年11月上映。)