

P: So you became an in 'oral Caesarean' expert?
記者: 你現在可成了"嘴巴剖腹產"的專家了?
RP: It was without a doubt the funniest thing I ever had to do. I’d raise my head up and I was covered with cottage cheese or whatever substance they put in there. Before filming the scene, Stephenie Meyer, a midwife, Kristen and I sat down to talk to a doctor to decide where I was supposed to bite if this situation would ever occur in real life. The doctor looked at us a bit puzzled and said: ‘I don’t think you could ever do this in real life.’ *laughs*
Rob: 這毫無疑問絕對是我做過最好笑的事。我的臉上都沾滿了起司或不管他們用來假裝的東西是什麼(偷偷透露一個小祕密:是Cream Cheese加草莓醬)。在拍攝這一幕戲以前,史蒂芬妮˙梅爾,一位產婆,Kristen和我和一位醫生一起談論,在現實生活中遇到這種情況下我應該要往哪裡咬下去。那個醫生一臉困惑的看著我們說:我不認為在現實生活裡你可以做這種事。(笑)
P: How was it like on set on the last day of filming Breaking Dawn, when you had to say goodbye to 4 years of Twilight?
We were in Canada for the last day of shooting with the entire crew. A normal day on the set of Breaking Dawn, we were shooting at night, it was freezing and raining… When the first assistant announced the end with his clapperboard, everybody locked themselves up in their trailer without even having a last drink. But my last day, strictly speaking, came a bit later and it was amazing. Part of the crew got back together to film additional shots in the Caribbean. It was just Kristen and I, no worries… We were shooting in the sea so I didn’t have to have makeup on or wear my contacts. It was so hot, at the end of the day we all went out for cocktails on the beach, watching the sun rise. I then asked myself why we didn’t do this in those four years. Every difficult moment just vanished.
Rob: 最後一天是在加拿大,所有的工作人員和演員都到齊了。就和平常拍BD的情況一樣,我們在夜間拍攝,天氣既冷又一直下雨...當第一助理宣布拍板宣布結束的時候,大家都把自己關在拖車裡面,甚至沒有喝酒慶祝。但我的最後一天,嚴格說起來,是在後面一點而且非常美好。一部分的劇組回到加勒比海補拍一些戲。只有Kristen和我,沒有煩惱...我們在海裡拍攝,所以我不必化妝或是戴隱形眼鏡。天氣很熱,所以最後我們跑到沙灘上喝雞尾酒,看著日出。然後我就問我自己為什麼我們四年來都沒這樣拍戲。每一個不好的時光都消失了。
P: You were 17 when you filmed the first movie. How did those 4 years of filming the saga changed you?
When you spend time on a project that asks for so much work, you have to feel invested; ready to defend it with your body and soul. That’s how I feel for all my movies. Twilight helped me share this passion with a bigger audience. Like everyone who reaches this level of fame, the saga is criticized a lot, but I realized that it only made me want to defend it even more. This experience helped me open up. When I was younger I felt things more strongly but I wasn’t always able to put it into words. I made tons of progress. In this field, every new project shapes you, helps you fight against your inhibitions little by little. I was a teenager when I started and I think you get better as you learn to know yourself, to make your body your own. It’s after you gain this control over yourself that you’re able to lose it when a scene demands it. Like every movie, Twilight made me grow up, maybe a bit faster than the other ones.