

(影片旁白:他沒有買一輛新車給她,但是Robert Pattinson確實讓女友Kristen Sweart有了個難忘的22歲生日。他星期六晚上預定了Harvard and Stone的頂層。並邀15名友人一同慶祝。他們還一起觀賞了歌舞節目。目擊者告訴E!小倆口在眾人前並沒有特別親密,但1:30am左右手牽著手離開。)


(註:雖然不知道有沒有關聯…但之所以會提到生日買車很可能是在影射Fifty Shades的劇情…)


CelebuzzE!onLine 都報導了很類似的內容,


Celebuzz/Taryn Ryder Kristen turns 22 today, so it should come as no surprise that she spent her birthday weekend with boyfriend Robert Pattinson. The Twilight couple hit up Harvard and Stone on Saturday night, one of their favorite bars in the outskirts of Hollywood. Casually dressed as usual, the couple made a low key entrance and hung together inside.

(今天Kristen滿22歲,所以她和她的男友Robert Pattinson一起渡過生日週末也不是什麼驚奇的事。暮光小倆口在星期六晚間造訪了Harvard and Stone,這是他們在好萊塢外環最喜愛的酒吧之一。和平常一樣穿著非常休閒隨性,小倆口很低調的進入酒吧,在裡面一起殺時間。)

If Harvard and Stone sounds familiar, it should… The bar is owned by the same people as Pour Vous, the lounge Robert Pattinson, 25, was spotted at last week. Gossip sites had a field day because he and Lindsay Lohan were both in attendance at the soft opening of Pour Vous, but as Celebuzz reported Thursday, the outing was “totally innocent” and there was “nothing more to it” than two friends supporting the owners.

(如果Harvard and Stone聽起來很熟悉…那是因為這間酒吧的主人正是和Pour Vous,25歲的Robert Pattinson上週才拜訪過的酒吧是同一批人。八卦小報在那一天玩的很開心,因為他和Linsay Lohan同一時間出現在Pour Vous,但就像Celebuzz在上週四報導的一樣,這兩人「完全是巧合」才會碰在一起,而且兩人「只是很單純的兩個朋友對酒吧老闆表示支持。」


E!onLine Kristen Stewart's 22nd birthday is today, but the Snow White and the Huntsman star, boyfriend Robert Pattinson and 15 of their close friends went ahead and celebrated the occasion Saturday night.

(今天是Kristen Stewart的22歲生日,但SWATH的演員,男友Robert Pattinson以及其他15名近親朋友在週六提早為她慶生。)

A witness tells E! News the birthday girl and her posse hit up L.A. hipster nightspot Harvard and Stone. "They were having lots of drinks on the top floor of the bar and seemed to be having fun," the onlooker says of the Breaking Dawn duo.

(一名目擊者向E!透露生日女孩和她的同夥們造訪了LA有名的夜店Harvard and Stone。「他們在最頂樓點了很多酒,看來玩得很開心,」目擊者如此形容著Breaking Dawn情侶。

"Kristen was wearing a black hoodie, black leather jacket and skinny jeans, while Rob sported an Adidas shirt and a full-grown beard," the observer says. "No one seemed to notice they were there."


The group was even treated to some special entertainment for the birthday celebrations. "The bar had a burlesque show which took place every 30 minutes and they were watching that," the eyewitness adds.


Aside from the scantily clad entertainment, Rob and Kristen were laid-back, opting to chat with their friends rather than dance to the oldies music playing in the Prohibition era-style bar.


"Kristen seemed happy to just catch up with her girlfriends," adds a witness. "She didn't dance at all. Neither did Rob. But their friends were really enjoying the music."


The Twilight couple didn't get too affectionate in front of the other clubgoers, but they did walk out holding hands around 1:30 a.m.






Met Robert Pattison and Kristen Stewart last night. Kristen liked my fur coat.

(昨晚遇見Robert Pattison and Kristen Stewart。Kristen喜歡我的毛大衣。)

#twihards are hard core. I probably shouldn't mention RPatz had a very cute Osama beard.


#twihards and Kristen Stew is much shorter in person. Blending in in a black hoodie and skinny jeans... Oh Bella.

Kristen Stewart本人比較矮。穿著黑色的帽t和緊身牛仔褲隱身在人群之中…噢,貝拉。)

#twihards when KStew said she liked the fur I should have told her I killed Jacob for it. No paparazzi. I guess we know the secret spot. We compared leather chaps and alligator clutches.


FAUX BABY BOI! Tofu Tuesdays w #KStew. "RT: She said that she would never wear fur ever so it's unlikely ah would like yours @KatnissStew" n #twihards you may see the sighting story on E! very soon... ;) #robsten.








有些已經結婚的夫妻還不見得會有這樣的機會就離婚了呢!(對啦,Katty P.,我就是在說妳:P)









    Such a good BF Such lovely couple

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