Rob正在進行中的新作品Mission Blacklist#的作者Eric Maddox日前接受了WRKORadio的電話專訪,
Eric Maddox: Well, a team a couple of years ago purchased the rights of my book to turn it into a movie and they took it from there, they got a screenplay, writer Erik Jendresen, the gentleman who wrote Band of Brothers, and got a director and producers and then they just made their decision in May to have Robert Pattinson play the lead part in the movie and ...
(幾年前一個團隊購買了我的書的版權並打算把它拍成電影,後來就交由他們著手進行,他們有了劇本,由《諾曼第大空降》的編劇Erik Jendresen寫的,還有了導演和製作人,然後他們剛在五月決定要讓Robert Pattinson飾演電影中的主角…
Host: He's the heartthrob guy from Twilight.
EM: Correct.(沒錯)
Host: That is pretty awesome. I mean, did you have any say in which Hollywood stag is to play Eric Maddox?
主持人:那真是太棒了。我是指,你對由哪一位好萊塢巨星來演出Eric Maddox能有任何意見嗎?
EM: Well, they gave me the final decision. I let them do all the work...like I said, I mean... Afghanistan obviously I was very busy so I let them do what they think is best and I get the final decision and for me it was a no-brainer. I said absolutely! Whatever you did to get that guy to be a part of this movie, I think is wonderful and I fully support it.
On meeting Rob and scouting location in Iraq, question from MaryAnn/@BellaSophia3530)
(觀眾call in提問,談論關於Rob以及在伊拉克堪景的事…)
EM: They're going to be scouting locations in Iraq if they make that decision then so be it. The one major request I had is that they keep the story as authentic as possible. The director for the film is Jean-Stephane Sauvaire and he insist on it being authentic and he refuses to put any part of it that is not real and raw and true so that is one thing that they're very encouraged about and I met with Robert Pattinson for 14 hours earlier this month, right when I came back from Afghanistan and that level of commitment. I mean we're talking about a guy who is super famous and really popular and we met for 14 hours and he focused exclusively on the project and want to get down to the nitty gritty of the project and his entire focus was on the project. It wasn't about him or his needs and from that I realized that this is the guy who is dedicated to his work and wanted to put in the hours ...so that's what made me certain that they have built a right team for this.
(他們準備到伊拉克堪景,如果他們決定這麼做那就是這樣了。我所要求的最主要條件就是他們必須把故事拍的越貼近真實越好。這部電影的導演是 Jean-Stephane Sauvaire,而他要求力求逼真,並且拒絕讓任何造假的東西入鏡,所以這是很令人振奮的一件事,然後我和Robert Pattinson在這個月初有了一場14個小時的會面,就剛好在我從阿富汗回來的時候,而他對工作投入的那種態度,我是指,這是一個超級有名又很受歡迎的人,而在我們會面的14個小時之間他完全專注在電影拍攝上,並且想要做到電影鉅細靡遺的每一個部份,而他的焦點完全是在這分工作上。他完全沒有提到自己或是他的需求,那時我就了解到這是一個對工作非常認真投入的人,並且願意花心思…所以這讓我非常確定他們找到了正確的團隊來拍電影。)