" My dear followers, I’m still so overwhelmed by the events yesterday… which I shared with my dear friend Jackie, I felt I must write something to all of you about my feelings. The standing ovation Rob received at the premiere of Cosmopolis so moved me, and him reaching for Kristen’s hand, looking into each other’s eyes …. so so tender makes me want to cry….and him bending down and getting an endearing hug from Kristen… so much love and so beautiful… and to see Rob FINALLY get the respect and admiration for his acting abilities by the elite…I know it must have been tremendous emotionally and to share the moment with the love of his life… oh my…. so endearing and touching!!!! Just incredible…I am so damn happy for him… and Rob and Kristen make us believe that true love is still and really possible…their devotion to each other through the years is just so awesomely tender.
As Jackie mentioned to me, “I think we actually think feel his elation and also his relief too. We are his fans and we love him so much but this is finally acceptance from those who matter in his career. It’s just so wonderful. He is blessed with a wonderful life at the moment and long may it last….I want nothing but love and happiness for this wonderful young man. Maybe it is a little strange, the effect he has on us…It’s like we feel what he feels…Well, a little maybe!”
I agree with Jackie; Yes, it is strange, in a way… how we feel about him… so devoted to his success…but we’ve followed his every move for years, rejoicing in his talents, and to finally see him recognized in such a profound way by his peers… this is just so awesome - we can’t help but vicariously enjoy and be moved by his success at Cannes.
I’ve never cared so deeply for a celebrity… it’s just him…he is just so charming, disarming, uninhibited, humble, and filled with so much sweetness and sexiness at the same time and oh so very talented in so many ways…. he has beguiled us. Yes, I was a Beatle fan in my teen years, but nothing like this…this love and admiration I have for Rob is entirely new to me and I wonder sometimes why I am experiencing something like this so late in my life… maybe it is because I am mature enough to see beyond the shell of celebrity and truly admire the wonderful person that Rob is.
Yes, Rob is a very handsome man, but there are a lot of handsom men out there…it is his personality that has reeled us in and made us love him so much and be devoted to him like no other. He joked in the past that his fans were in love with “the vampire”… and that may have been true years ago…but now…we have gotten to know his true self via hundreds of interviews and appearances and in many of your cases, an actual meeting… and we’ve h eard all the stories of how wonderful he is to fans in person from those who have met him…. we have grown to truly love and adore this man for WHO he is…inside.
I just absolutely adore him and I think that is why his success at Cannes has so affected me… I’m just so proud of him and so happy for him, I had to put it in words! I just can’t go to sleep until I had done this…"