劈頭第一句就以"I am Robert Pattinson’s beating heart and I am speaking to you from my home within his thoracic cage.(我是羅伯派丁森的心臟,而我正從他的胸腔,我的家中對你說話。)"的聳動開場白揭開序幕,巧妙的穿插了Rob實際上在訪談中的話,非常有趣。
What else can one do to keep me going at press junkets, those brutal gauntlets of recycled air? As Rob laments, “You try to say things in the perfect way but you know unless you say something stupid, from which people will make you look like a dick, you’re not going to have sound bites. And if you don’t say anything stupid, someone’s going to make something up anyways.” Take Rob’s girlfriend, Kristen Stewart. She is one of the few things that does get me racing. Our romance is, happily, sanctioned by the Twilight Industrial Complex. As “Twilight and Production” puts it, “Fans appear willing to accept a romantic involvement that takes Pattinson off the market if it literally translates into their beloved characters.” And so Kristen’s heart and I get together nearly everyday. But we’re not sworn to each other until death do us part. Rob read that in a tabloid recently and he thought its ridiculous. “There was a magazine, with these pictures, saying I was getting married. No one ever knows what is true or what isn’t,” he says exasperatedly. “Even my own mum called to ask me if it was true.” It’s not. At least, not yet.
一個人還能做哪些事才能讓我撐過那些千篇一律的記者會?就如同Rob感嘆的說:『你試著說一些完美的話,但是你很清楚除非你說了些很蠢的話,而會有人把你寫得像是個高傲自大的混帳之外,你說的話不會得到任何記錄。就算是你不說一些蠢話,還是有人會一直編造故事。』拿Rob的女朋友Kristen Stewart來說好了。她是少數能讓我加速的東西。我們之間的羅曼史,很慶幸地,得到了Twilight工業集團的認可。就如同「Twilight與製作」一文中所解釋的:「粉絲們似乎願意接受派丁森的羅曼史如果這份戀情能夠直接將他們對最愛角色的情感轉嫁到上頭。」所以Kristen的心臟和我的心臟幾乎每天都可以貼近彼此。但是我們並沒有立下婚姻的誓言。最近Rob在狗仔報上看到一則報導讓他覺得可笑至極。『有一本雜誌,上面刊了一些照片,說我要結婚了。沒有人知道到底什麼是真的,什麼是假的,』他生氣的說。『甚至連我媽都打電話問我是不是真的。』」這並不是真的。至少,還不是。
But it is true that Kristen has always done something to me that others haven’t. Though Lord knows Rob hasn’t been a missed when it comes to carnal love, even when we laid with others, I have remained behind a closed door. When he first came to Los Angeles, he went out with a coterie of very attractive women he knew to divey places like the Bronson Bar, but Rob would shun the madly batting eyelashes to smoke outside with a hoodie pulled over his eyes. He was writing songs for Kristen Stewart. At the time, I was filled with yearning to the point of breakage, so they were sad songs that sounded as if they could have been lifted off a Van Morrison’s Astral Weeks. “In fact,” admits Rob. “I was just trying to rip off Van Morrison.” Sometimes he took these songs to open mics at places like the Pig ‘n Whistle and the Rainbow Room to perform them in front of two or three performers, plus of course, the waitresses who, he says, became his only friends. I still get nostalgic thinking of those days, and it makes me light and tender to think if only those two-sad sack singer-songwriters yelping through “Hallelujah,” or those waitresses with the Oklahoma accents and nice tits know he was or what Rob would become. I wonder if he knew.
但是Kristen總是對我做一些其他人做不到的事情,這是事實。儘管老天很清楚的知道關於肉體之愛方面Rob並不是個生手,但即使我們和其他人躺在一起時,我還是躲在緊閉的門後面。當他最初抵達LA的時候,他曾和一群他所認識志同道合又非常迷人的女性們一起到一些惡名昭彰的地方像是Bronson酒吧,但Rob會避開那些猛眨著的長睫毛而跑到外頭用帽T上的帽子遮住眼睛抽煙。當時他正為Kristen Stewart寫歌。在那個時期,我是如此充滿著渴望到了幾近破碎的地步,所以他們都是一些悲傷的歌曲,聽起來幾乎可以說是從Van Morrison的Astral Weeks這張專輯裡節錄的歌。『事實上,』Rob承認。『我根本是在模仿Van Morrison。』有的時候,他會拿著這些歌曲到open mic的地方像是 Pig ‘n Whistle或是the Rainbow Room去演唱給其他兩三名演唱者聽,當然還要加上一名侍女,根據他的說法,變成他唯一的朋友。每當回想起那些日子我還是會覺得很懷念,而我也常常感傷的想著當時那兩個哎哎叫著「哈雷路亞」悲傷的歌手/作曲家,或是那幾個有著奧克拉荷馬州口音以及大胸部的侍女知道他是誰,或是Rob後來會變成怎樣的人。我猜想著他是否知道。
“The first time anyone said anything about my being famous was when I tried to buy a car a few years ago. It was an ’89 BMW convertible for $1,000 I found on Craigslist. I went out to the hills to take it on a test drive and, of course, almost crashed. A few days later I went back to pick it up. I had said I was an actor and the guy had looked me up. When I went back, he said,’Dude, do you realize you’re #2 on IMDB?’ I thought, ‘Shit, now I can’t ask for the 200 bucks off.’”
「『第一次有人提過我很有名是幾年前我要買車時的事。那是一台我在分類廣告網站上找到售價一千美元的'89年的BMW敞蓬車。我還跑到LA市郊去試車,當然差點把車撞爛。幾天後我跑回去牽車。我對車主提過我是個演員結果那個人查了一下我的底。我回去的時候,他說:『老兄,你可知道你在IMDB上的人氣可是排行第二名的嗎?』(S:如果我沒記錯當時人氣比我們Rob強的只有強哥戴普啦XD) 我心裡想:『要死了,現在我可沒辦法跟他殺價兩百塊了。』