(我今天有機會和Kristen Stewart說「生日快樂」和談論了我們對「鬼店」與 「粗野少年族」的喜愛。)
I was having lunch at Figaro Cafe in Loz Feliz, an authentic French Bistro, famous for their salads and fresh pastries. The last time I ate there, the cast of “Mad Men” sat next to me and Jon Hamm charmed my pants off when I told him I worked in advertising. Today, my date and I were seated outside, near the door, when I saw Kristen Stewart slip inside. She had a slight limp, which caught my attention (I remembered seeing her on TV with crutches at The Oscars).
我在 Loz Feliz(s註:Robsten同居的區域)的Figaro Cafe吃中餐,那是一家很道地的法式餐酒館,沙拉和甜麵包類非常出名。上一次我去的時候電視劇「Mad Men」的演員也在,而Jon Hamm在聽到我從事廣告業的時候把我迷得褲子都快掉到地上了。今天,我和我的同伴被安排坐在外面的位子,靠近門邊,這時我看見Kristen Stewart溜了進去。她的腳有一點跛,這是引起我注意的原因(我記得看到她撐拐杖出席奧斯卡)。
Even under dark sunglasses and a baseball cap, her trademark lips gave her away. I try to avoid stars when they’re eating, but after lunch, I stepped inside to use the restroom—which happened to be right next to Kristen’s table. There was a long line, in the back of the restaurant, so instead of hovering over Kristen I decided to say hello to her and the other cool, hipster-chick she was with. Since we both share April birthdays, I got down on one knee and said: “Excuse me, ladies. I just wanted to wish Kristen a Happy Birthday, we’re both Aries babies, so I know it’s coming up.” She seemed amused, and graciously said “Thank you.” Because she seemed relaxed and receptive, I continued to ramble: “And we both love ‘The Shining’ and ‘The Lost Boys.’ But I want to thank you personally for ‘The Runaways.’ Joan Jett was my everything growing up—and you nailed it!” At first she bit her lip and started to laugh, her hands slightly nervous. But when I told her how much her performance meant to me, she placed her hands firmly on her lap and gave me a heartfelt “Thank you.” Unlike the Kristen you hear about in the press, she was very warm, friendly and humble— which put me at ease. And even without a stitch of makeup, she looked flawless. I wanted to ask for a photo, otherwise no one would be believe me, but I didn’t want to ruin the moment. So I said, “Thanks ladies” and made my exit. I felt like a gentleman, for practicing some restraint and not asking for a pic.
即使帶著深色的太陽眼鏡和棒球帽,她的嘴唇還是讓我認出她來。我通常在明星們吃午餐的時候不去打擾他們,但午餐後我進到餐廳裡上廁所--Kristen的位置就在旁邊。餐廳最裡面的隊伍很長,所以與其站在人家前面晃來晃去,我決定和Kristen以及和她在一起一名穿著很酷的女生打招呼。既然我們的生日都是在四月,我單膝跪地跟她說:「抱歉打擾了,淑女們。我只是想祝Kristen生日快樂。因為我們都同樣是牡羊寶寶(對不起,看到這裡我忍不住插嘴:這傢伙是個gay吧!?),所以我知道她的生日快到了。」她看起來有點驚訝又感到好笑,但很有禮貌的說:「謝謝你。」既然她看起來似乎很輕鬆,態度有很有回應,我繼續胡言亂語:「而且我們兩個都喜歡「鬼店」與 「粗野少年族」這兩部電影。但我最想要謝謝你的是演出「The Runaways」。在我的成長過程裡Joan Jett是我的一切--而你詮釋的太棒了!」一開始她咬了嘴唇並開始笑了,她的手看起來有點緊張。但是當我告訴她,她的演出對我有多麼大的意義,她把手放在大腿上並誠心的跟我說了聲「謝謝。」和你在媒體報導上聽說的Kristen不一樣,她非常親切,友善又謙虛--這讓我放心了下來。而且儘管她的臉上脂粉未施,她看起來完美極了。我想要要求和她合照,要不然一定沒有人會相信我,但我不想毀了這一刻。所以我說:「淑女們,謝謝你們的時間。」然後我就離開了。我自覺自己真是個紳士,表現的很自制而沒有要求合照。
Until 30 minutes later, when I bumped into Kristen and her friend AGAIN, just hanging outside a closed store front. I casually waved “Hi” as I walked by and her friend asked “How are you doing?” I said fine, then hesitated, before asking: “Would it be gross to ask for a photo? A birthday photo? Or would that ruin the moment? Kristen said sure, and waved me over into this storefront nook she was sitting in. I remarked, “You know how to be discreet don’t you?” because there were literally 20 diners nearby who had no idea who she was. Kristen put her arm around me, in this very confined space, which made me self-concious. After she cracked a really bad joke to put me at ease, I whispered, “Words can’t describe how incredibly cool you are.” Kristen replied very softly, “Thank you.” Her friend snapped 2 photos of us and that was it. I’m still amazed at how gorgeous Kristen is up close. But once my camera came out she did her best to act silly, like she doesn’t want anyone to notice how beautiful she is. Whatever preconceived notions I had about Kristen Stewart, got tossed out that day. She was friendly, gracious and instantly made me feel welcomed. And Kristen definitely seems in her element in Los Feliz, surrounded by artists, hipsters and poets enjoying the sunshine in a sea of flannel shirts. #Team Bella
一直到了大約過了三十分鐘後,我又遇見Kristen和她的朋友了,她們站在一家門關著的店門口。我在經過她們時很輕鬆的揮了手「嗨」,而她的朋友則問候我「你好嗎?」我說很好,然後遲疑了一下,終於問:「如果我想和你合照一張像會很噁嗎?當做生日照?還是這樣會很不恰當嗎?」Kristen說「沒問題」,然後揮了揮手作勢要我靠近她坐著的商店門口凹處。Kristen的手臂環上我的,在這個小小的空間裡,這讓我感到很緊張。在她說了一個冷笑話試著讓我放鬆下來之後,我輕聲的說:「言語根本沒有辦法形容你有多酷。」Kristen輕聲的回應:「謝謝你。」她的朋友幫我照了兩張像,然後就這樣道別了。至今我仍對Kristen本人是這麼的美感到非常驚奇。但是等我的相機一拿出來她就開始裝傻氣,好像不希望人家發現她是多麼的美。不管之前我對Kristen Stewart的既定印象是如何,過了今天通通被我拋在腦後。她非常友善,好心又馬上就讓我感到受歡迎。而Kristen在Los Feliz這個充滿了藝術家,潮男女和詩人的地方看起來非常如魚得水,在一片休閒衫之中享受著陽光。
人家好好的住在Los Felize裡大部分人一輩子都買不起的豪宅(不是男朋友買來要和她共組家庭的,就是另一棟她靠自己能力賺來的錢買的),