5/12 Kristen和朋友一起出遊~
一名在Met Gala的工作人員和大家分享了她在當天遇見Kristen的經驗~
So I just thought you should know that I worked the MET Gala on Monday, and out of all the famou women I talked to (my job was to tell them to watch their step because the carpet was wonky and people were tripping), Kristen Stewart was by far the sweetest. She was the only one who really made eye contact and took the time to tell me that she appreciated me looking out for her. I obviously don’t know her based on that one interaction, but she definitely seems pretty awesome.
(所以我只是想要讓大家知道星期一我在Met Gala會場工作,而在所有和我談過話的女明星之中(我的工作就是提醒她們要小心腳步,因為地毯不平很多人都絆倒了)Kristen Stewart是最貼心的一個人。她是唯一一個和我的視線做接觸的人,也是唯一一個花時間告訴我她有多麼感謝我照顧她。我並不認識她,但根據這一段小插曲,她絕對是個很棒的人。)