“…nobody should ever take what I said and put it in a magazine.”
“ All I try to do in the press-especially for Twilight-is to be honest about something I really care about. And all it ever turn into is that I think I am better than it, that I ‘m snobby, I’ve had so many of my quotes twisted around…”
“Anywhere we’d go for Twilight was a psychotic situation. The sound was deafening, and it’s thoughtless, as well… You get a slew of all these bullshit questions like, ‘What’s it like to kiss a vampire?’ and ‘How much do you love Robert?’ Then you’ll get one that’s actually real, but you’re like, ‘No, I can’t right now, I can’t even consider [it].”
“無論我們到哪裡為Twilight宣傳都是很瘋狂的狀態。聲音大到令人震耳欲聾(Rob將之形容成’到了地獄門口’),而且都很沒意義…你會一直被問到一些很白爛的問題像是:’和吸血鬼接吻是什麼感覺?’啦,或是 ‘你有多愛Rob?’ 然後你偶爾會遇到一個真正的問題,但我就像是:’ 噢,現在不行,現在我沒辦法思考…’”
"It's not normal for me to be in a situation that Twilight puts you in," she explains. "It's not personally normal for me to see 5,000 screaming girls. But I'm not criticizing them for being 'crazy' about me. I’m sort of going, "Wow, this is just crazy!' "
“對我而言,因為Twilight而遭受到的經歷是很不尋常的,”她解釋道。 “對我個人而言並不是每天都會見到5,000名尖叫的女生。但我不是在批評她們對我很瘋狂…而是在說: ‘哇!這情形真的很瘋狂!’”
To be honest, the difference in doing a big movie or a small movie for me, the biggest difference has been in promoting it. The making of the movie is [simpler]; shooting a movie, whether it’s on a large scale or small scale, it’s the same thing once you actually get in front of the camera. But promoting the film is a different story. Everybody puts so much weight on everything that you say, and I’m not too good at expressing myself. To talk about something that you’re so vested in and put your whole life into all the time — I just really care about [acting], and I’ve realized that it’s a bigger job than I thought it was gonna be.
而Kristen最引人非議的一段訪談便是Late Show with David Letterman。個人認為因為這個節目跟Rob上Jay Leno爆笑演出的播出日期太相近而造成了非常大的反差。
“I feel like I have nothing to say on those shows… I’m not good at the funny thing—most people are really great on those shows. I don’t have a contrived personality that [I can] just pump out [for] a five-minute segment, so I end up sitting there and looking kind of baffled. Embarassing.”
“我不知道上這一類的節目到底該說些什麼…我很不會搞笑──而大部分的人在上這種秀時都表現得很好。(插話:啊你是在說Rob嗎?”) 我並不具備那種後天訓練出來的人格可以幫我隨口掰出5分鐘以上的長篇大論,所以我只好坐在那裏一副不知所措的樣子。真丟臉。”
<Kristen on David Letterman 11/20/2008>
“It’s just totally false… Rob and I are good friends. We went through a lot together, so we feel very close. But if we go out in public, every little detail is scrutinized, like the way I stand next to him. And it’s like, I know this guy really fucking well [laughs]. It’s only natural that we’re sort of leaning on each other, because we’re put in the most fucking psychotic situations.”
“這完全不是真的…Rob和我是好朋友。我們一起經歷過了很多事,所以我們很親近。但是一但我們到了公眾場合,每一個小細節就會被仔細審查,好比我站在他身旁的樣子。但那就像是: 我他媽的和這傢伙太熟了!(笑)當然我們站的時候會倚向對方,因為我們同時被丟入一個最不可思議的瘋狂場合。”
"Rob and I are great friends," Stewart says. "But I understand why you would assume that when we lean on each other for support, there must be something more…And I'm not criticizing anyone for thinking it, either. If anything, they're really perceptive, because they can see a closeness."
Dear Kristen, 這時候姐姐就要插個話啦!!
你也許認為你們之間的親密關係完全是建築在 “同舟共濟”的深厚友誼…但是你騙得了自己,騙不過我們廣大身經百戰的老油條…你們那種眼神和肢體動作流露出的 “什麼”不是 “好朋友”一詞就能帶過的…正常人看到自己的男女朋友和 “好朋友”那樣站在一起一定抓狂的啦!!
對於未出席奧斯卡頒獎一事,Kristen也完全不是外傳的 “不屑參加”,而是她根本沒受到邀請!!
"If I was invited to the Oscars, I would be there in a nanosecond,"
相信到了這裡,你就發現Kristen是個外表成熟冷漠,內心卻還是個非常女孩的孩子。她很有想法,非常清楚自己想要什麼,在工作時會表現絕對的專業。但是看過大家的日本追星記的人就知道...她還是很有American Girl的那份天真以及熱情,待人真誠,不矯揉造作,完全不同於時下同年齡層的女星。
Sabrina 你又開始暴走了!!
Nylon 3月號
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