最新一期的Harper's Barzaar雜誌,



















Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart's Wild Ride


With Twilight, the young actors found themselves thrust into the spotlight. Now, while their characters are torn apart in New Moon, they couldn't be closer.


By Laura Brown

Rob Pattinson's and Kristen Stewart's rooms sit side by side on the thirtysomethingth floor of the Sheraton hotel in Vancouver ("the Couve," as Kristen calls it), where they are filming Eclipse, the third installment of the Twilight saga.


They spend a lot of time in their rooms in the sky -- two Rapunzels of sorts entertaining themselves behind closed doors -- because it's really, really hard to go out.


 "There are like 15 different exits in this place," observes Kristen of the tactics she and the rest of the Twilight cast use to avoid the paparazzi. She adds, "Rob is more frustrated with it, but he's 23 and I'm 19. He had a couple more years to be an adult and to be independent, whereas just as I was getting to the age when it's normal to go out by yourself ..." She pauses. "But it's boring because this is all I fucking talk about."


Rob talks about it too. "Do you mind if we sit outside?" he asks as he stands in his hotel room, looking longingly out the window. "I need some air." It's a cold, gray day, but who is to deny him some freedom? (And chivalry is not dead, girls. A young man will still lend you his jacket. Maybe because he is British.)


Rob doesn't just face paparazzi, he gets clawing, shrieking girls too. New Yorkers may remember he was clipped by a cab while fleeing from the ladies on the set of Remember Me this past summer. "But at least that's an experience, something new," he says. "If it's just screaming -- and I know this sounds so ridiculous -- that gets old. But sometimes when there's literal chaos, it's like being in a war zone, and that's kind of exciting. You're just running through the crowd of people chasing after you and no one knows what's going on." Rob has laid low for a few days -- a disturbance in the Force so great that Perez Hilton (home of some of Rob's 15,200,000 Google hits) felt compelled to post, "Where is R-Patz?!" "If I'm not out, I've had a heroin overdose," Rob observes. "It's one thing or another."

Rob所面臨的不只是狗仔,還有一群張牙舞爪尖叫的女孩子們。紐約客也許還記得今年夏天他在拍攝Remember Me時為了躲避一群粉絲而被計程車擦撞。「但至少這是一次新奇的經驗,」他說。「如果只是尖叫──我知道這聽起來很可笑,但是你會習慣。但是有的時候如果情況變得真的很混亂,就好像是進入到了戰地,而那樣有點令人興奮。你就是穿過人一群追著你跑的人群,而大家都不知道發生了什麼事。」

Rob保持低調了好一陣子,這為原力帶來的影響之深,Perez Hilton (八卦專欄作家,Rob 15,200, 000Google搜索結果的來源一之) 甚至覺得需要發一篇「R-Patz到哪裡去了?!」的文章。「如果我不在外面遊蕩,我就是有了毒癮,」Rob分析。「都是一些壞習慣。」

At the moment, there is only one thing anyone cares about regarding these two, who, as Twilight's Bella and Edward, manifest all of our vampiric romance fetishes: Are they dating or what? Well ... it's clear that Rob and Kristen are close -- very close. Okay, who is the most romantic then? "I have a no-bullshit detector," says Kristen, "so I'd have to say Rob is. I think romance is anything honest. As long as it's honest, it's so disarming." Rob chuckles when asked the same question. "Um, I don't know. What did Kristen say?" You. "No. I'm better at faking." This is followed by a very long laugh.

而現在,大家對於這對詮釋最令我們著迷的吸血鬼羅曼史,暮光之城裡的貝拉與愛德華兩人關注的焦點就是:他們到底不是一對?嗯…很明顯的Rob Kristen很親密──非常親密。OK,所以誰最浪漫?「我受不了鬼話,」Kristen說,「所以我得說是Rob。我認為對一切誠實就是浪漫。只要是誠實的就會令人招架不了。」Rob在被問到相同問題時笑了。「嗯~我不知道。Kristen說是誰?」你。「不,我比較會假裝。」這是在他笑了很久以後的回答。

The two first met at the 2007 auditions for Twilight, what they both assumed was going to be a cult vampire movie -- not a $380-million-grossing global phenomenon complete with their own Barbies. They were thrown into a bedroom scene -- well, a scene in a bedroom, anyway. "It wasn't like we had to lie down together," Kristen says, "but we were very reactive. We had a very responsive, palpable thing." Robert notoriously took half a Valium beforehand. "I was calm and collected, and then we do this thing where we're pretty much making out. I've since tried to do it at another audition, but it completely just collapsed." He adds, "Kristen was very different from how I expected the girl who played Bella would be. I was kind of intimidated."


Even though she was born and bred in chillaxed Los Angeles, Kristen is an intense young lady -- and the shock of unruly black hair she currently has (a legacy from her role as Joan Jett in the upcoming The Runaways) does nothing to dispel that perception. Some Twilight fans were upset about their Bella turning into a noir-haired badass, but rest assured she'll be wearing a wig in Eclipse. "I think it's ridiculous that you need to look a certain way to be conventionally pretty," she declares, then smiles, "but now that my hair's grown out and shaggy, it sort of looks a little funny. I'll admit that." Kristen swears like a sailor and feels everything 200 percent. "She's a unique girl," says Rob simply. "You really don't meet many people like Kristen."

雖然她是在很酷又輕鬆的LA出生與長大,Kristen是一名很認真專注的年輕女孩──而她那一頭不規則的黑色亂髮(她拍攝The Runaways飾演Joan Jett時留下來的)所帶來的震撼還不足以掩飾這一個印象。一些暮光迷很不滿她們的貝拉便成了一名黑髮的勁酷女,但是別擔心,在<>她戴了假髮。「我覺得你必須要有一個特定的樣子才是美麗的這一點太可笑,」她宣稱,然後笑了,「但是現在我的頭髮長長又不整齊,看起來真的有一點好笑。我承認。」Kristen罵起髒話來像個水手,對任何事情的感受都是百分之兩百。「她是很特別的女孩,」Rob直接的說。「你不太常見到和Kirsten一樣的人。」

Today, in the hotel's Constellation Suite, Kristen is sitting on the concrete terrace in her uniform of jeans, a white tank under another tie-dyed one, and a hoodie. "I'm like, fuck, I'm not wearing a neon-colored tube top or something pink," she says, putting her at odds with many in her red-carpet, The Hills-ian peer group. Ask her who made her top and she has no idea. A look at the tag, though, reveals something called Born Famous Couture. She looks mortified, then cackles. "I did not buy this, I promise."


Of the two, it seems Kristen wears the pants. (While she will admit to one girlish thing, a love of Chanel, her dream outfit is a custom Brooks Brothers suit.) When she ventures into a dress, it might just be covered in metal, like the Rock & Republic mini she wore to the Teen Choice Awards earlier this year. "Everyone was like, 'Look at your spiky skirt!'" she says with a grin, "and I was like, 'Spiky skirt? They were bullets, mofo!'" She gets some stick in the media for not suffering fools. "People think I'm trying to be rebellious, but that's the last thing I'm doing," she says. "But I would hate myself if I tried to satisfy the people who have a problem with the way I speak about myself, so it's okay."

在兩人之間,看起來穿褲子的人(S:美成語意指操控主權)Kristen(雖然她承認一件很女孩子氣的事,哪就是她愛Chanel, 她夢想中的服飾就是客訂的Brooks Brothers的套裝。) 當她穿上洋裝時,那很可能會被金屬覆蓋,就像是稍早她穿著出席TCA時的Rock and Republic迷你裙。「大家都說:『你的釘子裙真酷!』」她帶著苦笑邊說,「然後我只想說:『什麼釘子裙?那是子彈,一群笨蛋!』」她因為對傻瓜沒耐性而遭到一些媒體批評。「大家都認為我只是想裝叛逆,但是那是我最不想做的,」她說。「但是如果我試著迎合對我說的話有意見的人,我就會恨我自己,所以沒關係。」

"Kristen doesn't take any slack," Rob says. "She sticks to her guns -- and that's difficult to do." He also thinks she's a better actor than he is. "I don't really know how to act. I'm kind of guessing everything. ... Even though I can conceptualize stuff, she can actually do it. I can make something so complex and then be like, That was pout 27." He reckons she's a better judge of character too. "She'll decide on someone a lot quicker. She has a lot more self-esteem than I do, so she's like, 'You're an idiot and I don't want to talk to you,' and I'm like, 'I'm an idiot too!' So I'll talk to an idiot for like three days before deciding."


That handicap aside, Rob is gloriously handsome. The planes of his face work beautifully in 3-D, 2-D, probably 1-D too. But in person, he doesn't have a whole lot of game. He is self-deprecating to a fault. (During the interview, he refers to himself as an idiot a half dozen times.) He also maintains, in all seriousness, that he's never broken up with a girl; they've always broken up with him. "Eventually, the girl is like, 'I know it's got nothing to do with me. You're an?...?idiot.'"

把這個缺點擺一旁,Rob真的是英俊到不行。他臉部的線條不管是3D還是2D,甚至是1D都很美。但是他本人卻不這麼覺得。他自我貶低到一個近乎是缺點的程度。(在整個訪談過程之中,他至少叫自己白癡56次。) 他還強調,非常認真的,他從來沒甩過任何一個女孩;都是她們先甩了他。「到最後女生都會說:『我知道這不是我的問題。是你太白癡了!』」

In the corner of Rob's hotel room sits a stack of boxes. "Most of it is my dirty washing from New York," he says shamefacedly. "I didn't do any washing the whole time I was there. I just put it in boxes and shipped them up here." When his clean laundry runs out, he steals socks and underwear from sets. I find a suspicious lump in his jacket pocket, which turns out to be a pair of black socks. "Oh, God!" he says, bursting out in laughter. "See? I'm a klepto."


Famousness, it seems, hit Rob before he could coordinate his infrastructure. The most functional parts of his hotel room's decor are a couple of guitars and a box of Ray-Bans. "Do you want a pair?" he asks, thrusting them into my hand. "I've got 16." At least he's prepared to withstand the glare of the spotlight. He chuckles and says, "My dad says he likes to bask in my glow."

名氣似乎在Rob能夠穩住自己基石時向他席捲而來。在他房間裡稱得上是可以用的裝飾品是幾把吉他和一箱Ray Ban。「你要不要一附?」他問,塞了一附在我手裡。「我有16附。」至少他已經準備好要對付目光焦點的聚集。他笑著說:「我爸說他喜歡浸浴在我的光輝裡。」


Rob might want to stash some of those sunglasses, because the excitement about next summer's release of Eclipse, in which Bella and Edward get engaged, might, yes, eclipse New Moon. The tabloids are excitedly reporting that Rob and Kristen are "Engaged!" based solely on them calling each other "husband" and "wife" on set. So it seems only appropriate to hit them with a newlywed game of sorts. ...



Who spends more time on their hair?


Kristen: "Rob."

Rob: "I have weird personal-space issues, and so I can't stand people -- um, I'll do anything to not have any touch-ups."


Competitive? (誰的好勝心強?)

Kristen: "Rob. In a very childish way, in every aspect of his life. He'll literally start talking in a different voice if he's won something. He sounds like a five-year-old."

(K: Rob。以一種非常孩子氣的方式,用在他生命的各個層面。每次他贏的時候,他就會開始用一種不同的聲音說話。聽起來像是個五歲小孩。)

Rob: "I'd say it was even. She said me? Really? When I really win things, it's just like..." [Kristen is correct: He makes a noise like a five-year-old.]


Athletic? (誰運動神經好?)


Kristen: "I'm definitely claiming that one. Rob can barely jump rope. I call him Flippy because when he does his stunt rehearsals, he flips around [makes a gesture like a penguin]. And, God, when he tries to run ..."

(K:這我絕對要聲明是我。Rob甚至不太會跳繩。我都叫他Flippy (S:意指翻轉亂跳)因為每次在特技彩排的時後他都亂跳﹝邊說邊做了個企鵝姿勢﹞。然後,老天,當他試著跑步的時候…)

Rob: "Kristen. You notice it in the film; she looks so much more athletic than I do. And I'm supposed to be the superhero."


Egotistical? (自大?)

Kristen: "I'd have to say him. I hope he says him too actually. Like every time he looks in the mirror and he twists his hair. Actually, he could give a fuck about his hair. I hope that sarcasm translates."


Rob: "It's kind of a tie. We're both pretty proud people. Her ego is more solid than mine, but mine has soared to such peaks, it's ridiculous. Mine's more erratic, but it can get to a point when it's, like, godlike. Only in my eyes, of course. Sometimes just when I say hello the right way, I'm like, Whoa, I'm so cool."


Who Googles themselves more? (google自己比較多?)

Kristen: "Rob."

Rob: "She would say me, but I reckon it's her. If either one of us catches the other one doing it, we're like, Jesus Christ, is that what you're looking at? And the other one's on their phone pretending to text. I look up my competition more than she does. I'm incredibly shallow. I think she just looks at herself."


Who's the better musician? (誰是比較好的音樂家?)

Kristen: "Rob. He's a great singer. Heartbreaking."

(K: Rob。他是個很棒的歌手。令人心碎的程度。)

The most outgoing? (誰比較外向?)

Rob: "I was once, but not so much anymore. Kristen's a little more open now."



Better sport? (誰風度好?)

Kristen: "Who can hang? Definitely me. He's very sensitive. He's got a fragile ego."


Superstitious? (誰迷信?)

Kristen: "Rob. He's a little bit more paranoid, so that feeds into superstition more."


Rob: "I am. I believe a lot in karma and stuff. Like when I end up with egg on my face, I'm like, Fate! I was born doomed. But I think it's more being an idiot than superstitious."


But perhaps it pays to be a little paranoid. Whatever it takes for Rob and Kristen to live their hothouse lives as normally as they can -- until the November 20 opening of New Moon, anyway. In the interim, CNN will report whenever Rob gets a haircut (it already has), and girls will get mad at Kristen for not wearing pink tube tops and taking their dream man away. They both fantasize about what they would do if nobody could see them. "I'd like to say something noble," Rob says, fiddling with his hair, "but I'd probably spy on people to hear what they think of me -- and then hate them for it afterward." Kristen is, as ever, a little blunter: "I'd go for a walk."




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