Rob的替身演員Paul Darnell有機會在接受訪問時談到他替Rob在Twilight、Remember Me、以及Water For Elephant和Rob一起工作的經驗~
How did you react when Robert Pattinson thanked you for his Twilight “Best Fight” MTV Movie Award? Can you share your experience in filming that scene?
(當你聽到Robert Pattinson在MTV電影大獎上領取"Best Fight"獎時公開向你道謝時你怎樣反應?可以和我們分享一下你的經驗嗎?)
First let me say that Robert Pattinson is an amazingly humble person and a very hard worker. He works very hard and shows up to every rehearsal. The last battle scene in Twilight was very intense. Many of the stunts involved hard hits with wires and crashes which are so much fun to do! Without risking personal injury to Rob, I ended up doing the majority of stunts in the final battle which won the award.
首先我要說Robert Pattinson真得是一位非常謙虛的人,而且是非常認真工作的人。他很認真工作,每一次排練的時候都一定出席。在Twilight最後的那一場打鬥戲非常激烈。有很多特技動作還有打鬥,吊鋼絲和撞擊的工作,真的很有趣。為了不讓Rob本人受傷,所以到最後大部分那場得獎的打鬥戲都是我代演的。
I was at a friend's house and I started getting text messages and phone calls from friends saying "I think Rob Pattinson just thanked you on national TV". I was really stoked and also a little confused by the "I think" part. Immediately I went online and found a video of Rob's speech where he gave me credit for the award but said the wrong last name. To his credit, someone had misspelled my name on a photo shoot for LA Magazine and my wrong last name was plastered all over the internet. None the less, I was so stoked that he would even think of me for a shot out. Actors rarely do that for stuntmen. Rob is a very considerate individual and true gentleman. When I saw him on the set of Remember Me he immediately apologized for the mishap.
我當時在朋友的家裡,然後開始不停接到朋友的簡訊和電話說「我想Rob Pattinson剛剛在全國電視上公開向你道謝。」我很吃驚,但對那個"我想..."的部分也很困惑。我馬上上網看到了Rob上台領獎的片段,他把功勞都讓給我了,但是卻把我的姓說錯了。先澄清一下,有人把我在LA雜誌上的照片的名字拼錯了,結果這個錯的名字就流傳到網路上去了。不管怎樣,他會想到我還是讓我非常吃驚。演員不太常對替身做這種事。Rob是一位非常細心的人,並且是一位真正的紳士。當我在Remeber Me拍攝現場再遇到他的時候,他馬上為說錯了我的名字而道歉。
How has the experience of being Robert Pattinson’s stunt double varied from Twilight to Remember Me to Water for Elephants for you?
從Twilight到Remember Me,到Water For Elephant的期間,你幫Rob擔任替身的經驗是怎樣的?
It has been amazing to see Rob's fame grow and grow. His fan base is grown so much since the first Twilight and I am very happy for him. He also continues to stay the same humble guy each time I see him.
Can you share any of the experience of last summer’s filming of Water for Elephants?
A terrific book turned into an even greater film with 3 outstanding actors. The three, Reese, Rob and Christoph, worked together amazingly. Rob also did an amazing job learning and performing the fights and working with the animals. Rob has a scene feeding tigers, REAL tigers, that could eat you if they wanted. Rob played it cool and had no problems working with them at all. Probably better than I could.
What are you currently working on?
I'm lucky enough to be working again with Rob on Breaking Dawn which has even more action than any of the other Twilights. Can't say much other than it is going to be an amazing film!