Q:what do you think about water for elephants' trailer, new Robert pattinson movie?
A:That's my boy right there. Looks lovely. I'm in line 1st weekend.
Q:What did you think of Welcome To The Riley's with KStew? :) (你覺得Kristen的Welcome to the Riley's怎麼樣?)
A: As I've said, I think Kristen is one of the best actresses of her generation. She can do no wrong in my book. But the mouth on that kid ;)
Twi Ass rhymes with "My Ass"! Don't hate on the Kstew.
(就如我之前說過的,我認為Kristen是在她那個世代裡最棒的女演員。在我看來她永遠不會出錯。但那孩子的嘴吧...Twi Ass和My Ass諧音!別增恨Kristen。)
Q:When you agreed to direct New Moon did you realize you would be answering Rob and Kristen questions for the next 45 years?
(當初你同意執導New Moon時,你可曾想過未來的45年你都會一直回答關於Rob和Kristen的問題嗎?)
A: If that guarantees me 45 more years of life, sure.
Q:Favorite song from new moon soundtrack? (NM原聲帶裡最喜的歌?)
A:The Bon Iver... or the Tom Yorke...
Q:Which cuss word did Kristen utter when she had to put on the vampire laura ingles dress on NM? Do tell!
(在拍New Moon裡那一幕吸血鬼的戲時,Kristen得穿上復古造型洋裝的時候她到底罵了哪一句髒話?一定得告訴我們!!)
A:It should have been, "Chris, this is a f-cking stupid idea for a scene".
(嗯...Taylor讓你不爽嗎?為什麼你都不談論他?...還是你為了要宣傳新電影?) (Taylor和我好得很。剛剛才打簡訊推薦一家餐廳給他。他最近只吃燒焦的肉。) (我們把它稱之為「繞圈圈」的戲。[Bella坐在房間看窗外四季變換的那一幕]) (我試著要向Kristen證明拍水裡的戲不難拍的時候,在腰帶上綁了重物潛到十呎深的水裡結果自己嚇呆。) (你覺得擔任哪一種角色比較簡單,當劇作家還是導演?現在回想起來,在NM裡有任何你希望能夠改變的地方嗎?) A: Directing is more fun because you get to stride around acting important, but everyone asks you questions all the time. Writing is more relaxing, but I get tired of my own company. (當導演比較好玩,因為你可以裝得很了不起似的走來走去,但是大家永遠都有問題要問你。寫作比較輕鬆,但不久之後我就會開始厭煩。) (在Montepulciano/義大利外頭的吻戲怎麼啦??[還是很喜歡你拍的NM]) (噢。嗯,就算是有R+K,太多都不是件好事...) (你開玩笑的吧?誰會不烤枇杷派給我?愛死他們了。) A: No! I love gloomy! See About a Boy! (才不!我超愛陰鬱的!去看非關男孩!) (請告訴我們,Rob本人是不是更夢幻?) (他太過夢幻,有時候和他講話講一講我還會睡著。) (你會想要演出Twilight裡的哪一個角色?) (我有點像Mike。或者是路人甲。又或者是Jane 。好,她超極酷。) 哈哈哈哈哈~ Chirs的幽默感真是讚!! 請繼續收看Q&A Part 2
Q: Umm... did Taylor Lautner diss you? Why aren't you talking about him? :p ...or are you trying to help promote current movies?
A: Taylor and I are v. cool -- just texted him a restaurant recommendation. He only eats charred meat at the moment.
Q: Most difficult scene to shoot in New Moon? :) NM裡最難拍的一場戲?
A: What we liked to call "The roundy-round scene" (depression cgi change of seasons)
Q: What was the funniest thing that happened on the set of New Moon? (拍NM時最好笑的事?)
A: When I tried to prove to Kristen that it would be easy to shoot her underwater scene by going 10 feet underwater with wights on my wetsuit and panicked.
Q: Which wld u say is easier, 2 b screenwriter or Director? Was there anything in NM that you wish could've changed in hindsight?
Q: what happened to that kissing scene Chris...the one OUTSIDE in Montepulciano? (still love what u did with NM :))
A:Oh. Well, even with R+K, too much of a good thing...
Q: Anyone ever baked you a loquat pie?(有人烤過枇杷派給你嗎?)
A: Are you kidding? When do people NOT bake me loquat pies? Love'em.
Q:Were you sad that you got stuck with the most depressing twilight saga book to direct?
Q:Is Rob even more dreamy in person? do tell. ;)
A: He is so dreamy that I am sometimes asleep while talking to him.
Q: Which twilight charater would you play in a Twilight movie???
A: I'm sort of a Mike. Or a Gran. Or maybe Jane. Yeah, she's badass.