就在上週六,劇組在Squamish的Rockwells Bar & Grill舉辦了BD的殺青舞會暨Kristen的21歲生日趴!!
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart partied late into the night on Saturday to celebrate wrapping Breaking Dawn and her 21st birthday at Rockwells Bar & Grill in Squamish, British Columbia!
Robert Pattinson和Kristen Stewart星期六在Rockwells Bar& Grill趴踢至深夜慶祝BD殺青以及她的21歲生日!
The two were spotted sharing cigarettes outside the bash, and Robert took a turn on Taylor Lautner's motorcycle. Taylor and Lily Collins went out on a date in the Canadian city earlier in the week, and this time she got to meet the whole cast and take a turn on the bike as well as they celebrated finishing filming on the last two Twilight movies.
兩人被目擊在會場外頭共享一根菸,而Rob還藉機騎了一下Taylor Lautner的摩托車。Taylor和Lily Collins本周稍早前在此加拿大的城市約會,而這一次她有機會和整個卡司見面,還輪流騎了一下機車,並且慶祝最後兩部Twilight電影拍攝完成。(我看Rob玩得很high啊!!)
Robert and Kristen also huddled close and shared a quick kiss outside the soiree. Rob had a bit of a James Dean thing going on when he jumped on the bike, and he looked like he was having a great time letting loose with his friends. Edward and Bella's wedding was the one of the final scenes they had to work on and they shot it this week. Robert is juggling his time between finishing up Twilight shooting obligations and promoting Water For Elephants.
Robert和Kristen同時還在舞會外親密得靠在一起還分享了一個啄吻。Rob在他跳上機車時還頗有James Dean的氣質,而他看起來和朋友一起非常輕鬆自在,玩得很開心。Edward和Bella的婚禮是本周他們最後一起拍攝的工作之一。Rob在他的Twilight拍攝工作與WFE的宣傳之間忙碌。
Robert suited up for a sexy May shoot for Elle and chatted with us about the Breaking Dawn leaked pictures and what he'd like to do to the people responsible. His costar Reese Witherspoon is on the May cover of Vogue, and she shared a funny story about Rob's running style in her interview with our I'm a Huge Fan winner — watch for the series on PopSugar next week!
Robert為了性感的五月Elle攝影專訪換裝並和我們聊了BD非法照洩漏事件,以及他想對始作俑者做的事。他的對手演員Reese Witherspoon上了Vogue五月號的封面,還和我們"我是大粉絲"的贏家分享了一個Rob跑步姿勢的有趣故事。(我的媽呀,他到底是跑得多難看??都快要變成傳奇了!!)請繼續期待下周PopSugar的系列報導。