溫哥華當地的媒體Vancouver Observer報導了一系列幸福粉絲遇到Twilight演員的過程~
Random encounters with Twilight's biggest stars have some residents in the mountain town of Squamish, BC aflutter and the town is buzzing with gossip and "twi-fans" aka "tweeks." As the cast and crew of Twilight: Breaking Dawn wrap up filming this week in Squamish the visiting celebrity heartthrobs have done what real people do: eat in restaurants, get pedicures, go to the movies and (gossip has it) get drunk.
"The cast of Twilight drunkenly stumbled into McDonalds three nights ago after a late-night party," Chris, a McDonald's employee told the Vancouver Observer. "They came in here in a swarm."
The wedding scene in Breaking Dawn is apparently being filmed in Squamish, under tight wraps. But despite the secrecy surrounding the set, the crew themselves seem to be relaxed about showing up around town. And ever since Twilight's crew rolled into town, business has improved for some merchants, like Jay Dewitt, District Manager of Metropolitan Theatres.
很顯然的BD婚禮的戲是在Squamish拍的,警備森嚴。但儘管拍攝現場的安檢嚴密,劇組人員本身似乎對於在城裡現身表現得很輕鬆自在。自Twilight的劇組進駐城裡以來,有些商人的生意大增,像是Metropolitan Theatre的地區經理Jay Dewitt就是其中一個例子。
“It all started when Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart came to Red Riding Hood and social media took over. These young 14, 15-year-old girls were texting, facebooking and tweeting everyone they knew. By the end of the movie, we probably had over a 100 people inside our lobby and outside our doors waiting for the two of them to get out.”
「一切的開端都是從Robert Pattinson和Kristen Stewart一起來看血紅帽時開始,而社交媒體整個發燒。這些十四、十五的女孩們一直利用簡訊、FB還有Twitter告訴大家他們知道的事。到了電影結束的時候,大概已經超過100個人在大廳甚至是門口等他們兩人出來。」
DeWitt tried to calm the storm by escorting the Twilight stars out the back door. "The cool thing was that Rob came up and said, 'Jay, don’t worry about it, let them in.' Rob and Kristen stayed for a good 15, 20 minutes signing autographs and taking pictures,” he said.
After this, "a group of 30-50 girls would come to the theatre daily over spring break in hopes that one of the cast would come in," he said.
Mallory Proverbs, creator of the Twilight fan page MontrealTwilightGirl.net, is a 25-year-Twilight fanatic who travelled all the way from Montreal in hopes of meeting her favourite film stars. So far, she’s spent a month and two days tracking down the cast of Twilight: Breaking Dawn.
Mallory Proverbs,身為Twilight粉絲網站MontrealTwilightGirl.net的版主,是一位來自Montreal的25歲狂熱影迷,希望能有機會遇見她最喜愛的電影明星。截至目前為止,她已經在花了一個月又四天追蹤BD的演員們。
She spotted Pattinson and Stewart earlier at the Sheridan hotel in Vancouver but missed out on a photo opportunity. "We did see them but we were too in shock to take the picture," Mallory said. "They're so cute together."
She’s "Team Edward," she said, by the way. 她是Team Edward,她說。只是順道一提。
而飾演Seth的Boo Boo常常跑去看電影,也總是很有耐心的幫每一個人簽名。