Honestly, I think I must balme Joyce for this crazy idea. She’s the one conviced me that I could do this alone since she couldn’t join me for this trip. Then I told myself “What the hell!”(there’s even a song go with it. ) It’s just that all my life I have never taken a trip all by myself before, so I figured hitting the road alone was gonna be a great adventure for me.
I didn’t sleep well the night before I hit the road, as many of you might know the reason. The experiences of the day before still lingered in my mind and adrenalin still rushed in my blood. I tossed and turned until 4 am.
I woke up around 7am and went to pick up the car I reserved.
After expalining my needs and my destinations, the car rental agent recommended me a complete different car than I previously reserved: a Volvo s40.
在表明我的目的地與需求之後,租車公司的人推薦我租一台和事先預定的完全不一樣的車: Volvo S40。
Sure, it’s a lot more expensive than what I had in mind.
But you want a diehard Twilight fan say no to a Volvo? It’s like asking a alcoholic say no to a single malt whisky!!
So I was a sucker for anything related to Twilight ( I even bought the bath bumb named “Twilight”from Lush), it’s no news.
Behold, my very own Shiny Volvo for the next couple of days!!
With excitiment, I set out to cross the border immidately. I kewn I had a long drive ahead of me.
The weather was quite nice at first, you can see snowy mountain tops at the horizon.
You don’t get much snow in Taiwan, so seeing this kind of view always facinates me.
Soon I arrived the border of Canada/USA.
The line for crossing was very long. I’ve heard people rather do their shoppings in the US these days.
Based on my past dealings with custom officers, I know they want to act all tough and menacing, and you’d better not lie to them. So when the officer asked me my purpose and destination in the US, I was super honest.
“I am heading to Portland.”
“What’s your buisness in Portland?”
“ I want to check out some filming spots of Twilight.”
“That’s in Forks.”
Oh, officer, you SO NOT want to argue with me about anything regarding to Twilight.
But since I was in a good mood, I decide I’d enlighten him.
“The story was set in Forks, but they made the first film in Portland.”
The officer looked me with pokerface, then informed me that I need to pay a fee in order to enter the US.
Great! That’s another 40 minutes line inside the building!!
An officer who looked a lot like Danzel Washinton called me to his station.
He even had this bass voice that actually very attractive and charming.
Another time and place, I might swoon a little, even flirt a little.
But all I could think about was getting out of this place ASAP and resumed my long drive, so I put up my friendly-but-no-time-for-bullshit face.
He was totally oblivious to my urge of getting out.
“ So where are you going?”
“I am heading Portland and Forks.”
“ Where is Forks?”
You’ve got to be kidding me! You mean you’ve been in the borderline office all this while and never heard of people visiting Forks?
“In Washinton. You know, it’s for Twilight.”
“What’s Twilght?”
Now you’re just trying to piss me off!!
So long sotry short, he took his sweet time not only made me tell him the synopsis of Twilight, but also asked my itinerary in details.
All the time he kept this sweet and charming smile on his face, which made me wonder if he was playing with me.
After finishing all the questions, he finally said: “Oh, you mean Twilight! I’ve seen the movies. It’s good.”
So why were you asking me all these questions?
“Don’t let the vampires bite!”
With that, he let me go.
What a @(#*&%^$#@$&%*^@!(&)*~.!!!!!
By the time I left the border office, it’s pass 10 already.
I stopped brifly for breakfast, then set out to my first stop: Kalama High School.
在簡單用完早餐之後,我出發前往今天的第一站: Kalama高中
This is the place where they filmed the exterior of Forks High School in Twilight, and it’s not far away from Portland.
After a long, bore-to-death, and occacionally-dozed-off 5 hours drive,
I finally reached my first stop.
By the time I pulled into the famous parking lot, it was pouring. Hard and icy cold.
You couln’t tell form the picture, but it was windy and wet and chill-to-your-bones cold.
Thank you the Divine Goddess of All Things Twilight (I made that up in my pervious stories ), whom obviousley wated me to experience the full spirit of Twilight world .
Shiny Volvo in the parking lot!!! How cool is that!?
Any self-respected Twilight Fans shold need no explanation of what are these for…
It was sunday. So literally not a single soul in the school.
I guess that’s why I got to wonder around without seemed like a crazy person.
I wonder if that’s the school bus they used for field trip? 不知道這些是不是去植物園時的校車啊??
It was just so damp and cold , so I didn’t stay long outside. 天氣實在是太冷,雨又很大,所以我沒在車外待太久,
I had to take the pictures then dodged back into the car. 通常都是照了像就趕快閃進車子裡。
And of course, just when I decided it’s time to leave, the rain stopped and the sun broke out.
On my way out, I saw this, and realized what it is!
Someone play “Full Moon” for me, PLEASE!!!
My next stop was St. Helen City. There were several filming spot to check out here.
This place is where they used as Port Angelas.
下一站我出發前往St. Helen市。這裡有不少拍攝景點可以探索。
這個城市是用來替代Port Angleas的地方。
But there’s also a bigger attraction: The Swan House!!
This is the original house they used in Twilight.
As may of you might already know, for New Moon and Eclipse, they actually built an model of this house and put it together in Vancouver like you play Lego.
很多人也許都知道這件事,在拍攝New Moon和Eclipse(甚至是BD)的時候,他們做了一間和這棟房子一模一樣的模型,
So this is an actual house with real people living in there.
There’s even a message for Twilight fans…
門口的樹幹上還貼了一張給Twilight Fans的標語...
(Twilight 粉絲們,這是一處私人住宅。我們歡迎你從外面照相。請不要踏進我家院子或是事著從窗戶窺視裡面。謝謝你們的尊重。希望你在St. Helens玩得愉快。)
Next, I set out to find “Thunder and Whale Book Store.”
Before my trip I googled this place, and all the information indicated that this was actually a law firm.
But when I got there, I discovered that it is now a B&B!!
I later heard the rumor that the original owner of this place got REALLY annoyed by Twilight fans who were constantly taking pictures and used flashes outside of his house, and he started throwing things at people. Later he even sold the place.
我後來聽說這房子的主人是為老先生,因為受不了Twilight Fans一直照相閃光燈閃不停,他抓狂開始對著人家丟東西。後來還乾脆把房子賣了。
I guess that most of the people got a lot of amazing and wonderful things from Twilight, but there are also people has met the underside of it.
My next stop was the main street of St. Helens.
下一站是St. Helens的主街。
This was the street Edward speeded his Shiny Volvo through after he rescued Bella from the group of thugs.
I even tried to find the shop where Bella, Jessica and Angela shopped for prom dress.
And of course with my luck, the shops were all closed.
By this point, I was freaking out a little bit, honestly, because you just didn’t see many people around this city. Which made the fact I was a tourist stood out like a neon light in the dark.
And frankly speaking, St. Helens is nothing like Port Angelas, where the neighborhood looks very nice and classy, and people are very friendly.
This place is very small and kind of shabby with lots of near-crumbled buildings.
而更坦白說一點,這地方和Port Angleas差得遠了。PA雖然地方小,但是看得出來生活水準比較高,居民也很親切。
I didn’t dare to linger (again, alone and freaking cold) and find the parking lot where Edward rescued Bella or the Italian restaurant he took her later…it’s fine, actually. Gotta save something for the next time.
Before I reached my B&B and call it a day, there’s one more stop I MUST go.
Another 20 minutes drive, and I arrived a very elegant and apperantly very fancy suburban area.
離開St. Helens過了大約20分鐘後,我來到了一處很顯然是高級住宅區的地方。
And up a hill, hidden in a secluded corner,
was the Nike House aka. The Cullen House!!
就是外號Nike House的庫倫家啦!!
The reason the called this house “the Nike House” was that the original owner of this house was an excutive of Nike, and he had this house specilly designed for his family.
大家叫這棟房子Nike House的原因是屋主是Nike的高層主管,請專人設計了這棟房子。
But soon after the movie came out, he out this house on the market to avoid crazed fans…
The new owner seemed more at ease with fans. S/he didn’t even put any warning signs.
It’s hard to imagine how the hell a person with Rob’s kinesthesis was able to leap from that window and on to the tree…(don’t get me wrong, you all know I love this guy to death. but you’ve must heard about his legendarily cheesestick legs…)
Ah~the wonder of movie making…
After a VERY SHORT stop at the local mall (again, totally forgot it’s Sunday, the mall closed at 6 pm, so I didn’t even have the time to shop or grab a bite…honestly, I didn’t know what i was thinking),
I went in search the place I intended to stay for the night.
The place is called The View Point Inn, about another 40 minutes drive form down town Portland.
旅館的名稱是The View Point Inn, 距離Portland市區又是大約40分鐘的車程。
It was the place they filmed the final prom scene!!
It’s located in the middle of a hill top, under the darken sky you could barely see the road.
But with the wonderful help of magical GPS, I reached the place safe and sound.
My camera could not do the night view justice…it was spectacular!!
The entrance of the Inn
The Dinning Area 用餐區
Honestly, with its nearly 100 years of business, this place is elegant and gorgeous and full of history and culture,
how did CH manage to turn this place into a disco hall was way beyound my understanding.
There were a lot of news report of this place, most of them related to Twilight, of course.
I was luck enough to arrive before dinner time ended,
so I decided to get some food in my stomach before settling in my room.
I didn’t remember the exact names of the dishes i ordered,
some truffle/mushroom soup and linguini with veil.
But after a long day of driving and damping cold weatrher, 經過了一整天又冷又潮濕又累的旅程,
both of them tasted like heaven dissloved on your tongue!! 兩道食物都像是天堂融在嘴巴裡啦!!
And the latte was simply f***ing delicious!!!
I sware it’s most definitely NOT Starbucks. I should have asked what they used.
After my dinner I strated to checking in my room. That’s when the manager informed me they took the libertyand put me in a different room beside the one I initially reserved.
晚餐過後我開始check in。
The room i booked online was the simple, 2-twin beds Innkeeper’s room.
They gave me The Roosevelt Suite with king size bed, a prvaite bath and a giantic living room without extra charge!!!!!!
I was beyound ecstatic!!
I so wanted to steal this sofa !!! 我愛死這躺椅,真想帶回家!!
The Inn staff kindly prepared ice and water for me before I even entered my room, so sweet!!
Dispite the fact that my eldest sister had to be a spoil sport and responsed my exciting text message which relayed the fabulous development of my trip with “You know with a place this old, there must be “something” in it,” I took a nice long hot bath, put on my ultra-soft terrycloth robe, burrowed deep under my king-sized comforter, and had a nice sleep.
雖然我那很沒良心的大姐在我用簡訊報告這個驚喜發展時冷冷的說:「你要知道像這種老地方一定都會有"那個"。」我還是舒舒服服的在豪華浴缸裡泡了熱水澡,穿上了我超極柔軟的浴袍,把自己埋近我那King size的大床,舒服睡覺去了。