French wherever you hear. That’s rare in the Beverly Hills Hotel, but the entire delegation of Dior came. Everything revolves around the new star of the Dior Homme Campaign, Robert Pattinson. Ex-’Twilight’ superstar, Teener dream the size of Justin Bieber and now on the road to a new life as full grown actor with huge success in Cannes. Pattinson is restless, no easygoing person. He smoked in the past, but those days are over. On the sofa next to him there are still packages though. He plays with the cigarette. Flips it over in his hand. Maybe he’s just nervous, because he’s starting a second worldwide carreer at just 27.
Mister Pattinson, your chewing away on this cigarette for quite some time now. Is it made from chocolate or chewing gum?
P: That would be very awkward. It’s a electronic cigarette.
Why do you not smoke anymore?
P: It just needed to stop. Just like the time as ‘twilight’ vampire.
Non smoker and short hair. Are those the telltale signs of a new phase in your carreer?
P: My hair probably speaks for itself and I really don’t have to express myself. I wonder why people are obsessed with my hair. Recently even Heidi Klum asked me in a tv show “Hey Robert, how do you get your hair to look so great?”.
Did you ever have a bad haircut?
P: A greasy ponytail, sleeked back with grease. And added loads of perfume. It was all too much. I could say I wasn’t a man back then
We can assume you are one now [a man]. In the commercial for the perfume Dior Homme you have a resemblance with Jean-Paul Belmondo in ‘out of breath’
P: I wanted to portray a real man in the clip, who has something sensitive, but still loves to be free. I think it’s rather embarrassing when men try too hard to be a man.
In the past when you were a model you almost looked like a woman. Didn’t that annoy you?
P: No, I was just too young. I did it to meet girls, without any plan of a carreer. I had a simple ‘just do it to have food’ attitude. Someone took a picture of me and I got 20 pounds for it.
After Twilight you were financially independent. Did this kind of success make you more aware of who you are, or did it make you rethink everything?
P: The only thing I know: I’m going somewhere. I have a an ability I wasn’t aware of until now if I could really do it: to do something in front of a camera and people will buy it.
Your success was something no one had ever whitnessed, even your colleague Emma Watson didn’t envy you for it. How did you stay calm in it all?
P: I just kept working, 24/7. I just had no time to freak out. Work is the best thing to keep you sane. That’s how I could ignore all the crowds in front of the hotels. In the bars it was a different story. There are a lot of people who just want to hit you.
Just because?
P: Yes without a reason.
Because they have seen your face on a bus-stop?
P: Maybe. That was enough.
Do you have a ’5-year-plan’?
P: Every movie I shoot, should be screened in Cannes. When I made the decision to do David Cronenberg’s Cosmopolis, all of sudden more other stuff was possible. David helped me to become an actor.
You are 27 years old now. It’s a dangerous age for the showbusinnes and as well for the emotional household.
P: Do you ask if I’m going to die this year? I was Edward Cullen long enough. I have a new life since the Cronenberg movie, the people talk to you like to an adult. They thought in the Twilight-time I’m just famous. And no one can stand famous people.
Why do you think that?
P: Its the ‘over-pattinson-powerfactor’. Suddently there are some faces rich and famous. It’s edgy for the other people.
Gifts, limousines..all that is good for your self-confidence. What is really important to you, to feel secure?
P: For me it was and it is my family. I let them decide over the scripts.
You let your family to decide over your next career steps?
P: Yes. They have lot of stress because of me. They didn’t choose to become the family of ‘Twilight-Pattinson.’ And sadly, they get lots of visits from the paparazzis.
How would you want to be? Which actor do you look at when you think about your future?
P: Joaquin Phoenix. His acting effects me personally.
In his documentation about himself, he makes fun of Hollywood and he doesn’t want to be an actor anymore.
P: I don’t want to be an actor forever as well
What then? Will you start a business in Silicon Valley and creating apps?
P I’m waiting for the next surprise. I’ve decided once already to quit acting. I shot ‘Little Ashes’ then. I’ve played Salvador Dali and had to shoot many nude scenes. Few days later I’ve got the offer for Twilight.
Can you take your time to decide over the next role?
P: I need to take time. But I have to be faster. These days the business manager are making decision whether you get the role or not and they don’t take long time for it. Beside that, I want to get older for other movie roles, to be more effective. You can be too young for a movie role.
For example?
P: When I shot Bel Ami, I was way too young for this character. This guy was an ‘Alpha-Alpha-animal’, smart, but blunt and immoral. Everyone who helped him, mostly women, . He was just too good in it, to be an a..hole.
Would you act now better as an a..hole?
P: I’m pretty sure about that.
- Rob提到他應付爆紅名氣壓力的方法就是不停的工作。如果他24/7都在工作他就沒空想有的沒的。
- 他的五年計畫是未來不管拍什麼片,一定都要在坎城影展放映。演出David Cronenberg的電影之後突然間他有了很多不一樣的可能性。大家也把他當大人一樣談話。
- 他並不想要一輩子都當演員。他最想要效法Joaquin Phoenix。
- 有些角色他覺得要等他年紀更大一點才適合,像是Bel Ami裡的這個角色,他就覺得自己太年輕了。
- 家人對他而言最重要,也是最讓他有安全感的存在。他讓家人幫他挑劇本,因為他的關係讓他的家人也受到了很多外界的關注壓力。