隨著Breaking Dawn Part 2 DVD的正式上市,
The Twilight Saga真正的走進歷史...
原本粉全世界的絲們都想靠著今年的MTV Movie Award來來個最絢爛的謝幕,
We caught up with Kristen Stewart days after she appeared at the Academy Awards with that most unusual accessory: crutches. "It's much better now," she says of her foot, which she injured on a piece of glass. Stewart, who recently signed on to star in The Big Shoe, says she's been spending time with a certain Twilight costar. No, not that one - Taylor Lautner. "It's been so long since we've been in [L.A.] at the same time. I've been seeing a lor of that young lout." With Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012, 1hr., 55 mins., PG-13) now out on DVD, we asked her to name her top five moments from the franchise.
我們在Kristen Stewart以最不尋常的配件--拐杖--出現在奧斯卡頒獎典禮的幾天後和她閒聊。「現在好多了,」她論著她的腳,因為踩到玻璃而受傷。史都華最近剛簽約演出The Big Shoe這部電影,還說她最近和某位Twilight的演員花時間相處。不,不是那一個,是Taylor Lautner。「我們好久都沒有同時在LA了。最近我很常和那小呆瓜(我發誓,這是Kristen說的,絕對不是我亂加的!)出去。」隨著BD2的DVD已經上市,我們問了她在整個系列之中最喜歡的五場戲。
1. TWILIGHT'S PROM Twilight畢業舞會
"This is number one on my list for a reason," says Stewart of the final scene in the 2008 film. "I remember stepping on Rob's feet in my sneakers, and we listened to that song ['Flightless Bird, American Mouth' by Iron & Wine] all night. It was the end of the shoot, and we were all so close and not wanting to go home yet. That's the one scene I look at and always start crying. And I'm not a bit embarrassed about it."
「這場戲會在我的名單上列為第一名是有原因的,」史都華談論著2008年Twilight裡的最後一場戲。「我記得穿了休閒鞋站在Rob的腳上,然後我們聽著【Flightless Bird, American Mouth' by Iron & Wine】這首歌一整晚。那時是整個拍攝工作的尾聲,而我們都變得很親近而一點都不想回家。這場戲是我每次看都會哭的戲。而我一點都不會覺得丟臉。」
"We had around 200 people - tourists, locals - watching like it was theater," Stewart says of Bella and Edward's Italian reunion. "They'd be quiet for filming, and at the end of every take they'd applaud. I crashed through the fountain and into Rob's arms - we must have done it 15 times - and they'd clap every single time."
It wasn't easy to keep Stewart's wedding dress a secret. "They put me in f---ing Volturi cloak," she says. But she loves to remember that trip down the aisle. "It's this feeling I had that it was like a real wedding. I have these memories of it that are not in keeping with a movie set. It feels like mymemories. You have room in your mind for character, and then there's room for yourself. That memory is definitely more mine."
Stewart fondly recalls one "random" scene from Twilight. "I'm washing my truck, and Rob drops in on me suddenly," she says. "It was so tense shooting Twilight, and here's this little scene that felt like it was out of an 80's teen movie. He does this cool little move, and we're sort of dancing around each other. We still talk about this scene and how fun it was. He remembers what I was wearing. I remember everything about that day."
The final scene Stewart ever shot with Lautner is also one of her favorites. "Dancing together at the end of Bella's wedding was incredibly emotional," she says. "We listened to Christina Perri's A Thousand Years,' and it was perfect - for the characters and us, too."
史都華最後一次和Lautner一起拍的這一場戲在同時也是她的最愛之一。「在貝拉婚禮的尾聲一起跳舞是非常感性的時刻,」她說。「我們聽著Christina Perri的 A Thousand Years,不管是對我們的角色或是我們本身來說都太完美了。」
Thank you, sweetheart, for this perfect ending.