為此Time特別請來New Moon導演Chris Weitz寫一篇文章來向Rob致意~
Sexiest (Bookish) Man Alive by Chris Weitz
I have to be careful about what I write here because it will be tweeted the moment TIME hits the stands. And if I say something bad about Rob Pattinson, I'm dead meat. That's the devotion the Twilight films inspire. It's certainly not how he planned it. And though I am continually impressed by the aplomb with which he handles the hysteria, I occasionally think he would take it all back if given the chance. Because essentially, Rob, 23, is a reserved, bookish sort of specimen, a guy who'd rather spend the night at the corner table in the pub with friends — a bit of a weirdo, frankly, in the best sense.
在這裡寫了什麼話我得非常小心,因為Time一上架的那一刻起這內容就會傳遍大街小巷。而如果我說了Rob Pattinson的壞話,我就死定了。這就是暮光系列電影所激起的忠誠度。這也絕對不在他的計畫之中。雖然我一直都很佩服他處裡瘋狂場面時的鎮定態度,我有時常想如果有機會的話他寧願不要這一切。因為在內心深處,Rob,23歲,是一個內向,甚至是一個標準書呆子,一個寧可和朋友一整個晚上都待在酒吧的角落--老實說有點怪咖,但是好的那一種。
So how to write about someone who seems to answer Freud's rhetorical question, What do women want? Perhaps it's just worth pointing out that it'd be fun to have a beer with him even if he weren't Edward Cullen. That we haven't seen a tenth of what he can do onscreen. And that important things, beyond the veil of Hollywood, occupy his time too — music, conversation, ideas, a sense of the absurd. Which, maybe, explains why he never gets to my e-mails. I love you, Rob! Call me.
Rob, I love you, too. Call me as well !!
And Chris, you just gave me one more reason to love you more:)
You can call me, too!!
P.S. 聽說Rob在Oprah上公開說他很喜歡這一篇文章XD