When you're shooting on location for 5 months, you come up with some pretty juvenile inside jokes, catchphrases and pranks. For example, what started as three extremely tired actors getting exceptionally silly while grocery shopping at Whole Foods turned into an elaborate game between myself, Lee Pace and Christian Camargo wherein one of us would, at any time or place, kick one of the others in the shin as hard as we could and then run away.
當你在外景地拍攝了五個月的時間,你會想出一堆很幼稚的笑話,口頭禪或是惡作劇。比如說,三個累垮的演員會蠢到把到超市購物這件事變成一場介於我自己,Lee Pace和Christian Camargo之間,在無預警下猛踢對方的小腿之後趕快跑掉的遊戲。
But that's another blog. 但這是另一個故事了...
My Twitter Followers know that there is currently a GFYS game playing out in real time -
But WHAT is GFYS? 但到底什麼是GFYS??
GFYS started one day as Noel and I were walking back into our trailer after a long day's work. We each had one half of the same trailer as dressing rooms and our doors were on opposite ends. As we were opening the doors to our dressing rooms, I called out to him,
"Hey, Noel…" 嘿,Nole...
He earnestly looked at me. "Yeah?"
UBER casually I say, "Go f*** yourself."
我用超級正經平靜的語氣說: 「(大概相當於中文的)你去死吧!!」
On his look of shock, I went into my room and shut the door. I admit, I was laughing pretty hard. The look on his face was priceless.
(接下來的片段我簡述一下:基本上就是Noel為了報復Guri,找來了AD和飯店人員的合作,動不動就找機會當著Guri的面大喊GFYS,為了回敬Noel,Guri還找來了副製作人一本正經的告訴本來以為自己惹麻煩要被約談的Noel GFYS...這場戰爭就一直持續下去。大家也都樂意配合,玩得不亦樂乎!)
So, what could I do? I had a talk with Kristen, then Rob to arrange a spontaneous GFYS from each to accent the rest of Noel's day. They were SO into it. However, before I know it, Rob is wrapped for the day and I'm thinking he forgot. Oh, me of little faith in Rob's silliness. As he walks off set back to his trailer,
所以,我還能怎麼辦?我當然是找來Kristen還有Rob一起安排攪局,在接下來的一整天之中都要好好的讓Noel GFYS一下。他們超級認真的。但是,在我會過意來之前,Rob當天的拍攝行程已經結束了,而我猜他大概是忘記了。噢,我實在太看輕Rob喜歡搞笑的程度。就在他準備走回自己的拖車的時候...
"Noel. Go f*** yourself." Rob said it so casually, Noel looked at him for a second, not believing he'd heard what he just heard. Noel looks at me.
"I can't believe you did that. Nice.", he says.
"Thanks, man." I respond. But he hasn't heard from Kristen yet. AND now we're called back to set...
The minute I walk on set, Kristen is READY to do this thing with Noel. She keeps looking at me when he's not looking, mouthing, "Now?" I'm mouthing back, "Not yet." She keeps shooting me looks every few seconds, "Now?" and I keep going "Not yet. Rob just did it." I am thinking to myself, MAN, she REALLY wants to tell Noel to go f***himself. Did he piss her off or what?!? There's a break coming up and we all come back on set. Except Kristen. I look for an A.D.
"Where's Kristen?" 「Kristen人呢?」
"Oh, she wrapped." 「噢,她下戲了。」
NO WONDER she wanted to do it so quickly. Dammit.
Now, a sane person would have let it go. I, on the other hand, saved the rest for Canada.
In Canada, I go to Peter Facinelli. This is TOTALLY up Peter's alley and quite frankly, something he was BORN to do.
Peter waits until right before 'action' to look at Noel and say,
"Hey Noel. Go f*** yourself." Then Bill called 'action'. Noel's reaction? Just another slice of GFYS genius.
「嘿,Noel, GFYS」然後下一刻比爾大喊『開麥拉』。Noel的反應?真是另一個GFYS經典啦。
So, next I went to Bill Condon. You guessed it…he was TOTALLY into it.
Bill waits until we're shooting a scene where we are perched in a rather uncomfortable position. He comes over, looks up at us and asks,
"Guri, you alright?" 「Guri,你還好嗎?」
I answer, "Doing OK, Bill. Thanks." 我回答:「還好,比爾。謝謝。」
He looks at Noel. "Noel…are you cold? You seem cold."
Noel looks at him and says, "Actually Bill, it IS a little…"
Bill cuts him off. "Yeah? Go f*** yourself."
比爾打斷他的話:「噢,是嗎? GFYS」
Noel. Is. Speechless. OH! The joy…but I'm not done. He THINKS I'm done but I am not done.
I mean, I WOULD have been done if I were not a complete CHILD but I am, so…I went to Stephenie.
I am full of confidence as I approach Stephenie. We were simpatico since day one and I just KNOW she'll be the feather in my GFYS Noel Fisher hat.
"Stephenie, I need you to do me a favor. Please tell Noel to go f*** himself."
「史蒂芬妮,我想請你幫個忙。請告訴Noel GFYS。」
Silence. She is staring at me and it occurs to me that I may have crossed a line here. Now, I am now wondering how long it will be until Stefan is cut from the film.
"I can't use the "f" word.", she says. OMG is all I am thinking…THAT is her only issue with it?!? Relief pours over me…along with renewed dedication to the GFYS Noel Fisher campaign I have launched.
"Stephenie…substitute ANY word for the "f" word. Trust me…HE'LL KNOW."
"I would be comfortable with that…you know what would be REALLY funny? If we…" and she went on to describe several GFYS games to play on several unsuspecting folks involved with BD. Her creativity knew no boundaries and suffice it to say that Stephenie is the COOLEST woman EVER and a GENIUS!!!
Naturally, Stephenie handled my request brilliantly and Noel was suitably shocked by the lengths I went in order to achieve this GFYS victory.