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You can go F**K yourself!!!









On getting scolded for off-screen antics with Robert Pattinson:(談論和Rob在被罵時私底下的玩笑)

  “Me and Rob got into a lot of trouble. We were getting notes from the studio. They wanted me to smile all the time. They wanted Rob to be not so brooding. We were like, ‘No! You need to brood your a– off.’”


On the fandemonium that exists around her everywhere she goes: (談論她不管走到哪都有大批粉絲跟隨的現象)

“It’s not the fans that are scary. Each one of them is different. But large groups of people are scary — there’s no individual there.


Robert Pattinson on Stewart’s passion for fashion: (Rob談論Kristen對時尚的熱愛)

“I never saw that coming.”(我從來沒料想過有這一天)

“The perception of her is that she’s ‘awkward,’” Rob admits. “But it’s funny knowing her. It’s the absolute opposite of what people think. She’s insanely confident.”



VanityFair Kristen Stewart on the People Who Critique Her Red Carpet Poses: “I Don’t Care About the Voracious, Starving Shit Eaters”

Kristen Stewart談論批評她在紅毯上表現的人:「我才不管那些貪婪又飢渴的吃糞者。」

“I have been criticized a lot for not looking perfect in every photograph,” Kristen Stewart tells Vanity Fair contributing editor Ingrid Sischy in July’s cover story. “I get some serious shit about it. I’m not embarrassed about it. I’m proud of it. If I took perfect pictures all the time, the people standing in the room with me, or on the carpet, would think, What an actress! What a faker! That thought embarrasses me so much that I look like shit in half my photos, and I don’t give a fuck. What matters to me is that the people in the room leave and say, ‘She was cool. She had a good time. She was honest.’ I don’t care about the voracious, starving shit eaters who want to turn truth into shit. Not that you can say that in Vanity Fair!

(「我常常因為沒有在每一張照片裡都非常完美而被批評,」Kristen Stewart在受到Vanity Fair的編輯Ingrid Sischy為七月號的封面特刊專訪時說道。「我受到很嚴重的批判。我一點都不覺的難為情。我引以為傲。如果我總是拍下完美的照片,和和我在同一場合,或是一起走紅毯的人,就會認為,真是會演戲!真是會假仙!這個念頭讓我無地自容,所以有一半以上的照片我看起來都很糟,而我一點都不在乎。我在乎的是等這些人離開房間時都會說『她人真酷。她玩的很盡興。她很誠實。』我才不管那些喜歡顛倒是非,貪婪又飢渴的吃糞者。雖然你在Vanity Fair裡不能這麼說話!」

On top of battling personal reluctance, Stewart also struggles with the public’s preconceived notions about her personality. “People have decided how they are going to perceive her,” Robert Pattinson tells V.F. of Stewart. “No matter how many times she smiles, they’ll put in the one picture where she’s not smiling.

除了要和不情願的自己對抗以外,史都華還必須與大眾對她個性的看法對戰。「大家已經決定好要怎麼看待她了,」關於史都華,Robert Pattinson如此告訴V.F.。「不管她笑了多少次,他們還是會放上她沒有笑的那一張照片。」

But for all her nose-thumbing at critics who demand perfection, she looks pretty perfect in the photographs from July’s Vanity Fair, in which she poses at locations across Paris in spring’s couture for contributing photographer Mario Testino. In some of the most glamorous photographs, Stewart wears haute couture at the ballet, posing with dancer Jérémie Bélingard in a pantless Jean Gaultier corset and dripping in Fabergé diamonds and emeralds, at right. Of her personal style, she tells us she’s evolved into loving wearing “some cool shit” from the world’s most respected and avant-garde designers, although she wasn’t always attuned to the power of fashion. “Look at a picture of me before I was 15. I am a boy. I wore my brother’s clothes, dude! Not like I cared that much, but I remember being made fun of because I wasn’t wearing Juicy jeans. I didn’t even think about it. I wore my gym clothes. But it’s not like I didn’t care that they made fun of me. It really bothered me. I remember this girl in sixth grade looked at me in gym and was like, ‘Oh my God! That’s disgusting—you don’t shave your legs!”
儘管她對那些要求完美的批判者不屑一顧,她在七月號的Vanity Fair裡看起來完美極了...至於她的個人穿衣風格,她告訴我們她已經進化到喜歡穿著一些由頂尖設計師所設計的「超級酷的衣服」,但她並不是一直都很跟得上流行。「你應該看看我15歲以前的照片。我根本就是個男孩。我都穿我哥哥的衣服!我並不在意,但我記得我常常因此被取笑。我從來沒去想過這一些。我都穿著我的運動服。但我並不是不在乎人家取笑我。那真的讓我很難過。我還記得六年級的時候有一個女生在上體育課的時候說『歐買尬!真是有夠噁心的--你竟然沒刮腿毛!』」

Of her life as a major star, she reflects on the moment when she realized that Twilight had changed her life. “You can Google my name and one of the first things that comes up is images of me sitting on my front porch smoking a pipe with my ex-boyfriend and my dog. It was [taken] the day the movie came out. I was no one. I was a kid. I had just turned 18. In [the tabloids] the next day it was like I was a delinquent slimy idiot, whereas I’m kind of a weirdo, creative Valley Girl who smokes pot. Big deal. But that changed my daily life instantly. I didn’t go out in my underwear anymore.”

Just be your perfect usual self, baby, BE YOUR WONDERFUL SELF !!

That's the reason Rob and we love you!!!!!

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true beauty...inside and out!!! 



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