Greetings to our global Twihard family,
On the flight now from Madrid to Berlin, I wanted to check in one last time, as you're finally getting a look at what we've all been working on so intensely. It's hard to believe that after our Berlin premiere tonight, my TWILIGHT journey will finally come to a close. It's been almost three years since I first wrote to you. I'm very proud of what we've created together since then, and I hope that PART II fulfills your expectations for the grand finale to Stephenie's sprawling saga. Fingers crossed that you've also managed to stay at least mostly spoiler-free, in order to enjoy the twists and parting gifts we have in store for you...
在由馬德里前往柏林的飛機上,我想要最後一次和大家問候,此刻你們終於有機會見到我們努力不懈的成果。很難相信經過此次的柏林首映會,我的TWILIGHT旅程終將來到尾聲。自我第一次寫信給你以來幾乎過了三年的時間。對於我們自那時刻起以來所創造出的東西我很驕傲,而我也希望Part II符合你對史蒂芬妮傳奇故事圓滿大結局的期盼。同時我為你們祈禱,為了好好享受劇中的大驚奇與分別禮物,你們自始至終都沒有採到雷...
Thank you again for making me feel like a member of your fandom family online...for sleeping in The Line in San Diego in order to laugh with us in Hall H...for traveling great distances to join us in L.A. for last year's Tent City and this year's Fan Camp. Above all, thank you for trusting me with this universe you care so deeply about - we tried to match your intensity in our attention to every detail. That said, I don't think I'll ever live down the shame of being spied on by Twihard covens around the world on our very first night of shooting in Rio. Thanks to photos shot and instantly posted online of Bella and Edward on their honeymoon, we were called out in real time for missing a certain engagement ring... (Sorry -- again!)
As with you all, what I'll take with me from my time in Forks are so many great friendships - our massive cast of talented actors, and new creative partners such as Melissa Rosenberg, Guillermo Navarro and Phil Tippett. I hope to know them all for years and to work with them again soon, making movies yet to be dreamed up. At the L.A. premiere Monday night, Phil said we should make a "bloody, giant monster movie." But is there room for a musical number?
和你們一樣,我從福克斯帶走的是滿滿真摯的友誼--我們一大群富含才華的演員們,以及像是Melissa Rosenberg, Guillermo Navarro和Phil Tippett等最新的創作夥伴。我希望我們的友誼能夠長久,並在將來還有機會合作,一起創造出夢想中的電影。在星期一晚上的LA首映會裡,Phil說我們應該拍一部"血淋淋又超級巨大的怪獸電影。"但是有沒有機會穿插音樂劇橋段啊?
See you at the theatre.